Grants and Funding
Subscribe to Weekly TOC E-Mail with New NIH Guide Postings

The NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts is the official publication for NIH medical and behavioral research Grant Policies, Guidelines and Funding Opportunities.

NIH Guide announcements (PAs, RFAs and Notices) are published daily. At the end of each work week (usually on Friday afternoon), NIH transmits an e-mail to NIH Guide LISTSERV subscribers with the Current Weekly Table of Contents (TOC), including links to announcements published during the week.  An up-to-date listing of new announcements published during the week may be checked anytime on the Current Weekly TOC.

To Subscribe to the NIH Guide LISTSERV, send an e-mail to with the following text in the message body (not the "Subject" line):

subscribe NIHTOC-L your name
(Example: subscribe NIHTOC-L  Bill Jones)

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To UnSubscribe to the NIH Guide LISTSERV, send an e-mail to with the following text in the message body (not the "Subject" line):

unsubscribe NIHTOC-L 
(Example: unsubscribe NIHTOC-L)

Your e-mail address will be automatically obtained from the e-mail message and remove you from the LISTSERV.

More information on using the NIH LISTSERV can be obtained from the NIH LISTSERV FAQ page.

If you need to change your e-mail address, please unsubscribe from the LISTSERV using your old e-mail address. Then re-subscribe using your new e-mail address. The NIH is not be able to administer e-mail changes - users must make changes from existing e-mail accounts.

If you have any questions or experience any problems with the LISTSERV, please email in the Office of Extramural Programs, NIH.

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This page last updated on June 26, 2009
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