Peer Review Policies and Practices

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People sitting at a long table with laptops

Peer review meeting in progress
(Photo courtesy of Center for Scientific Review)


What's New in Peer Review

  • New Review Criteria for Research Project Applications Involving Clinical Trials (Sept. 21, 2017) Read More
  • Clinical Trial Requirements for Grants and Contracts (August 17, 2017) Read More

  • Updated Appendix Policy Eliminates Clinical Trial-Related Materials for Applications Submitted to Due Dates on or After Jan. 25, 2018 (August 17, 2017) Read More

  • Reducing Duplicate Commons Accounts (July 12, 2017) Read More

For Reviewers

Information for reviewers:  Find pre-meeting, meeting and post-meeting activities on our ‘Information for Reviewers’ website.  The site includes key information such as reviewer guidelines, policy documents, step-by-step instructions for using the Internet Assisted Review (IAR) system. In addition, critique templates are located on the website; reviewers must check with their Scientific Review Officer on which template to use. 

Law, Regulations and Policies

Peer review regulations provide the underpinning of peer review policies.  For Peer Review policies, see the section for:                  
Note: Other guidelines can be found on the Consolidated List of Reviewer Documents webpage