Stanford HCI Group

HCI Group Photo


Maneesh Agrawala ·  Michael Bernstein ·  James Landay ·  Stu Card ·  Terry Winograd ·  Affiliated Faculty  · Students  · Visitors  · Alumni

co-conspirators  ·  Liberation Tech  · Graphics · Visualization · Project Open Mobile Internet · MobiSocial · Lytics Lab



Fridays 12:30-1:30pm · Free & open to the public

7 AprMerrie Ringel Morris
Enhancing the Expressivity of Augmentative Communication Technologies for People with ALS
14 AprAnand Kulkarni
Crowdbotics: Writing Software Faster with Crowds
21 AprLeila Takayama
On Being Re-Embodied as a Robot
28 AprSteven Feiner
Taking AR to Task: Explaining Where and How in the Real World
5 MaySteven Dow
Advancing Collective Innovation
12 MayKurt Luther
Solving Photo Mysteries with Expert-Led Crowdsourcing
19 MayDan Weld
High-Quality Crowdsourcing
26 MayErik Andersen
Designing Engaging Learning Experiences through Automatic Instructional Scaffolding
2 JunJustin Cheng
Antisocial Computing: Explaining and Predicting Negative Behavior Online

What's Happening

- Flash Organizations awarded Best Paper at CHI 2017 and New York Times coverage
- Anyone Can Become a Troll awarded Best Paper at CSCW 2017
- Siri, Who Is Terry Winograd?
- Ge Wang awarded Guggenheim Fellowship
- Empath awarded Best Paper at CHI 2016
