East Asia Library hosts discussion on "Reflections on American Sinology and Sinologists"

July 24, 2017
Joshua Capitanio
Reflections at the Margins of Sinology

On May 30, 2017, the East Asia Library hosted a public discussion entitled "Reflections on American Sinology and Sinologists," featuring author Susan Chan Egan and Dr. Ronald Egan, Chair and Professor in the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures.

The discussion, which was organized by Chinese Studies Librarian Zhaohui Xue and moderated by Jidong Yang, Head of the East Asia Library, was inspired by Susan Chan Egan's most recent book, Reflections at the Margins of Sinology (Xie zai Hanxue bianshang 寫在漢學邊上), in which she relates a number of stories and memories of her interactions with prominent 20th-century Sinologists such as Hu Shi, Y.R. Chao, William Hung, Patrick Hanan, James Hightower, Paul Serruys, and many others.  Among other topics, Prof. Ronald Egan shared some details of his early experiences in the field of Sinology and memories of studying with scholars such as Hightower and Kenneth Hsien-yung Pai 白先勇, while Susan Chan Egan discussed her decades-long relationship with William Hung, which led her to write the acclaimed book A Latterday Confucian: Reminiscences of William Hung 1893-1980 (Harvard University Press, 1988).  The discussion concluded with both scholars' reflections on the current and future state of Sinology in the West, and the important legacy of the early pioneers in the field and a lively question-and-answer session with the audience.

View Susan Chan Egan's publications on SearchWorks

View Ronald Egan's publications on SearchWorks