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Reference works

Oxford Music Online

Includes Grove Music Online
Encyclopedia of Popular Music
Oxford Dictionary of Music
Oxford Companion to Music

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Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart (MGG)

The premier German-language music encyclopedia



Oxford Bibliographies Online: Music

Peer-reviewed annotated bibliographies on musicology and ethnomusicology

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Oxford Reference Works: Performing Arts

Search multiple encyclopedias and dictionaries on opera, theater, and related topics



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Garland Encyclopedia of World Music Devoted to music research of all the world's peoples;
includes audio examples
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Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians Concise biographies    
Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments Instruments and their makers    
Musical America Current news and directories What's new?  
The Cambridge Companions to Music Online books on a wide variety of music topics.    
Opening Night!  Opera & Oratorio Premieres Cross-index of data for over 41,000 opera and oratorio premieres    
IPA Source International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) transcriptions and literal translations of opera arias and art song texts.    
Entertainment Industry Magazine Archive Core trade magazines covering film, music, broadcasting and theater, together with film fan magazines and music press titles.     
Music Industry Data International charting albums and singles under exclusive academic licence from Billboard.    
Digital Resources for Musicology Links to substantial open-access projects of use to musicians and musicologists. Maintained by CCARH.    
Virtual Library of Musicology (ViFa Musik) A portal to "an extensive digital library containing the latest scholarly research and online resources"    


Bielefelder Kataloge Klassik Classical    
The Jazz Discography Jazz   Help 
Discography of American Historical Recordings  Multiple genres   Help 

Centre for the History and Analysis of Recorded Music (CHARM)

Multiple genres    


Multiple genres    

Indexes to periodical literature




Articles, reviews, obituaries. Bulk coverage 1996-present   Help
RILM Articles, reviews, commentary, dissertations. 1967-present About Video intro 
Music Index Articles, reviews, obituaries, dissertations. 1973-present   Help
RIPM Articles published ca. 1800-1950 What's new? Help
Bibliographie des Musikschriftums

International and interactive bibliography of literature on music 

Xsearch Search multiple resources; see "music" under humanities    

Indexes to printed music and manuscripts

RISM Historical manuscripts  Video update Help
Index to Printed Music Monuments, critical editions   Help
Notnaia Letopsis Russian music publications    
Hofmeister XIX 19th century music published in German-speaking countries  About  Help