Christina Gathmann-Maneval

Jun 17, 2011 Comments Off by

Data Analysis and Demographic Research

Project: “Data analysis and demographic research (Russia) – the declines in life expectancy – are socialism and the transition to capitalism bad for your health?”

Primary Mentor: Jay Bhattacharya, MD, PhD, School of Medicine

Secondary Mentor: John Pencavel, Levin Professor of Economics, Department of Economics

Christina Gathmann is an economist who completed her PhD at the University of Chicago in December 2004. Her research focuses on the importance and measurement of human capital and the effects of public policy interventions in the areas of labor markets and health. During her Stanford Center for Longevity fellowship, she studied the question of whether prohibition actually works. Her project “Determinants of Demographic Change: Gorbachev’s Anti-Alcohol Campaign and the Mortality Crisis in Russia” studies the effects of the temperance campaign from 1986 to 1988 on adult mortality. The project also shed light on the determinants of the “mortality crisis” that reduced male life expectancy by almost a decade in the former Soviet Union in the 1990s.


The Center on Longevity is pleased to report that Dr. Gathmann has accepted a position as Assistant Professor of Financial Science at the University of Mannheim. To continue to follow her work, please see her current webpage at:



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