12/17/2014 – Will retirement pay you a ‘happiness bonus’?

Dec 17, 2014 Comments Off by

Consistent with the research of Laura Carstensen, a psychology professor and director of Stanford University’s Center on Longevity, a MassMutual survey finds that positive emotions increase and negative emotions decrease over time among those in or near retirement. For example, while 72% of retirees say they are “extremely or quite happy,” only 61% of pre-retirees say the same. Moreover, almost 70% of retirees report being “extremely or quite relaxed,” versus 34% of pre-retirees. And fewer retirees than pre-retirees report feeling negative emotions, including stress, frustration and nervousness.

Read the full article at MarketWatch.

Carstensen, Center, Longevity News 2014, mind

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