Archive for Affiliate News 2013

12/18/2013 – Tricking the brain with transformative virtual reality

Dec 18, 2013 Comments Off by

Want to have a just-like-real-life fantasy experience without leaving your living room? Virtual reality technology is already employed by certain industries, but economics correspondent Paul Solman considers the variety of applications it could have in the consumer market in the future. In this interview, Solman visits Stanford’s Virtual Human Interaction Lab founded by Center on […]

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12/7/2013 – Designing behavior for better health

Dec 07, 2013 Comments Off by

As director of the Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab, BJ Fogg, PhD, studies human behavior and designs ways to influence it, whether on the computer, on a mobile phone or in other areas of life. In this video on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation website, Fogg discusses what makes a good candidate to implement healthy behavior change […]

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12/3/2013 – Postmenopausal estrogen decline largely unrelated to changes in cognition, mood

Dec 03, 2013 Comments Off by

A new study led by a Stanford University School of Medicine researcher shows that decreased estrogen levels after menopause are largely unrelated to changes in cognitive ability and mood. It did find, however, a possible link between levels of another hormone — progesterone — and cognition among younger postmenopausal women. Read the full article at […]

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11/25/2013 – Estrogen Won’t Make Women Sharper After Menopause, Study Finds

Nov 25, 2013 Comments Off

Low levels of the hormone estrogen are not to blame for mood swings and poor memory after menopause, a new study suggests. “These study findings provide further evidence that a woman’s decision about hormone therapy use during early postmenopause should be made independently of considerations about thinking abilities,” said lead researcher and Center on Longevity […]

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11/4/2013 – Quantity, not just quality, in new Stanford brain scan method

Nov 05, 2013 Comments Off

An interdisciplinary Stanford team, which includes Center on Longevity faculty affiliate Brian Wandell, has now developed a new method for quantitatively measuring human brain tissue using MRI. The team members measured the volume of large molecules (macromolecules) within each cubic millimeter of the brain. Their method may change the way doctors diagnose and treat neurological […]

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10/18/2013 – Stanford 2013 Roundtable panelists demystify the secrets of happiness

Oct 21, 2013 Comments Off

The Stanford 2013 Roundtable, “Are You Happy Now? The New Science of Happiness and Wellbeing,” convened a panel of psychologists, neuroscientists and business experts to discuss what makes people happy. Their message: Pursuing meaning in one’s life is the key to establishing sustained happiness. Panelists included Center on Longevity faculty affiliate Ian Gotlib. Read more […]

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9/11/2013 – Stanford researchers: Feds likely miscalculated health care cost

Sep 11, 2013 Comments Off
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9/4/2013 – Faulty internal recycling by brain’s trash collectors may contribute to Alzheimer’s

Sep 04, 2013 Comments Off

A defective trash-disposal system in the brain’s resident immune cells may be a major contributor to neurodegenerative disease, a scientific team from the StanfordUniversity School of Medicine has found. The team was led by Center on Longevity faculty affiliate Tony Wyss-Coray. Read the full article at Stanford School of Medicine.

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8/14/2013 – Virtual adviser helps older Latino adults get more exercise, researcher says

Aug 14, 2013 Comments Off

When it comes to getting motivated to exercise and do things that are good for our health, sometimes all it takes is a little help from our friends. This was certainly the case for a group of older, mostly Latino adults in Northern California: They benefited from the advice and encouragement of a virtual friend […]

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7/22/2013 – ‘Exploration first’ boosts classroom learning

Jul 22, 2013 Comments Off

A new Stanford University study flips upside down the notion that students learn best by first independently reading texts or watching online videos before coming to class to engage in hands-on projects. Studying a particular lesson, researchers showed that when the order was reversed, students’ performances improved substantially. The findings are published in IEEE Transactions […]

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