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D. Scott Smith

D. Scott Smith

Consulting Assistant Professor
(650) 299-2742 (voice)


Darvin (Scott) Smith graduated in biochemistry from Bowdoin College in Maine and went on to study tropical public health at Harvard School of Public health before attending medical school in his home state of Colorado. He worked on developing diagnostic tests and epidemiology (Leishmania and Onchocerciasis) in Cali, Colombia, on a Fulbright scholarship before finally moving to California where he completed residency at Stanford Medical School, then a Fellowship in Infectious Disease & Geographic Medicine. He now serves as Chief of the Department of Infectious Disease at Kaiser Permanente in Redwood City, California, and teaches several classes at Stanford.

Scott volunteers as a community neighborhood network lead in Hillsborough and works with international disaster response to vector borne disease threats as a clinical lead for MENTOR-Initiative around the world (Indonesia, Myanmar, Tanzania, Kenya, Haiti, Thailand).

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