Welcome to the Stanford AI Lab!

The Stanford AI Lab (SAIL) is the intellectual home for researchers in the Stanford Computer Science Department whose primary research focus is Artificial Intelligence. The lab is located in the Gates Computer Science Building and the new Clark Center, where 100+ people share the space with 30+ robots.

Our mission is to change the way we understand the world. In the past decade, an abundance of data has become available, such as online data on the Web, scientific data such as the transcript of the human genome, sensor data acquired by robots or by the buildings we inhabit. The list is endless. Turning data into information pertaining to problems that people care about, is the central mission of our research. In short, we seek to develop the next generations of theory, algorithms, and systems, that help us attach meaning to bits and bytes.

Members of the Stanford AI Lab have contributed to fields as diverse as bio-informatics, cognition, computational geometry, computer vision, decision theory, distributed systems, game theory, image processing, information retrieval, knowledge systems, logic, machine learning, multi-agent systems, natural language, neural networks, planning, probabilistic inference, sensor networks, and robotics. We invite you to browse our Web site to find out more about our research. Share our excitement about AI, and the many ways in which computers are changing almost every aspect of our lives.


For every application in computer science there are two choices: platforms and standards or incompatibility and fragmentation. So far, the robotics community has leaned toward fragmentation, and the result has been hindered progress. Ken Salisbury, professor of Computer Science and of Surgery, thinks it's about time the robotics community had a platform analagous to the personal computer. Read the full article and watch Ken speak about all that. (Aug 7, 2007)

Every worried that humanoid robots lack grace? In a recent article, the Stanford report notes that Professor Oussama Khatib and his students pursue research aimed at making humanoid robots more graceful. As noted in the article, "using this energy-minimization strategy, the robot produces the movements without explicitly computing its trajectories in advance," very much like humans do. This project is the latest in decades of ground-breaking research on compliant motion and control coming out of the Khatib lab. (July 24, 2007)

The 2007 SAIL Retreat brought together over 100 students, faculty, and staff. Thanks for a generous donation by the Johnson family, SAIL spent 2 days in Monterey, discussing research in AI, socializing, and learning from real magicians how to do magic in AI. Some initial pictures are available. (May 23, 2007)

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