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Immersive Distance Collaboration


Stanford's U.S.-Asia Security Initiative's course taught simultaneously at Stanford and SCPKU using the Highly Immersive Classroom in Spring 2016.
Photo credit: 
Courtesy of Stanford University

Recognizing a world which is ever-shrinking and increasingly global, the Stanford Center at Peking University (SCPKU) provides state-of-the-art, telepresence technologies that bring people together from across the globe into an environment that looks, sounds and feels as if they are just across the table.  SCPKU's Highly Immersive Classroom (HIC) showcases our telepresence technologies and provides a professional, inviting space for global collaboration and remote, face-to-face interaction - anything from simple meetings between co-workers, vendors or clients to professional development seminars and enhanced distance teaching and learning.  Open to the entire Stanford community, SCPKU's HIC can easily connect to any other videoconferencing system in the world.  The optimal experience is between SCPKU's HIC and the HIC on Stanford's campus located at the Graduate School of Business. Click here for more information or to request use of the space. 

This video showcases SCPKU's HIC enabling co-teaching across the Pacific.  Stanford's U.S.-Asia Security Initiative launched an innovative new graduate-level course in Spring 2016 -  "The United States, China, and Global Security" - a class taught simultaneously at Stanford and SCPKU.  The course featured topics relevant to current U.S.-China relations and their respective roles in regional and global security.  The video provides course highlights and features commentary from the two lead instructors - Karl Eikenberry, the former U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan and Director of Stanford's U.S.-Asia Security Initiative, and Professor and Assistant Dean of PKU's School of International Studies, Fan Shiming.

Stanford faculty considering teaching a cross-Pacific course using SCPKU's HIC are also strongly encouraged to contact the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning office which provides grants and consulting services to advance teaching and learning innovation at the university.

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