Kathryn A. Moler, PhD

Professor of Applied Physics and of Physics

(650) 723-6804

Electrons create magnetic fields, so materials that manifest quantum mechanical and strongly correlated electron behavior must have magnetic signatures. Although distinctive, interesting, and informative, these signatures are hard to measure. Twelve years ago, I set out to build a group based on the strategy of specialized magnetic nanoprobes for basic condensed matter studies. This strategy enables the advances in knowledge described in the publications section of my group’s web site, as well as in my ongoing work and the ongoing work of my group alumni in their current positions.



PhD, Stanford University

Research Interests

Mesoscopic and correlated electron systems. Development of mesoscopic magnetic probes for fundamental studies in condensed matter and materials physics.

The lab’s expertise in scanning magnetometry and susceptometry is used to investigate a wide variety of systems, primarily:

  1. Single vortex dynamics in classical and high temperature superconductors.
  2. Spontaneous currents and vortex effects in highly correlated electron systems.
  3. Mesoscopic superconductors and currents in normal metal rings, with an increasing interest in the spin properties of such small structures.


  • Mesoscopic Magnetism Tool Box (sensor development; construction, design and operation of improved scanning apparatuses)


See Publications for Kathryn A. Moler, PhD