Quakers at Stanford

The Stanford Quaker group is currently on hiatus because all our members have graduated! If you are a current Stanford student and would like to restart the group, please get in touch with Talley from Palo Alto Friends Meeting:
talleykenyon at gmail dot com

Who We Are

The purpose of Quakers at Stanford is to provide a gathering point for members of the Stanford community who associate themselves with the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), or who are interested in learning more about the faith and practices of Friends.


Though Friends have been around since the 17th century, their values are extraordinarily contemporary. Dedicated to the premise that all people have direct access to wisdom and insight, Friends don't rely on a particular creed, text, teaching or even necessarily belief in a higher power. Defined by shared practice rather than shared belief, Friends gather together without a minister or leader and listen deeply to the shared silence. If someone feels moved strongly to speak, they speak; in that moment, they are the minister and Friends listen.

Through this group process of inward listening and outward testimony, Friends through history have often dedicated themselves to activism in social causes for peace and equality.

Our monthly rotating schedule:

1st Sundays: Open Meeting

All are welcome. Rotating speakers on topics of Quaker faith and practice, incorporated into Meeting for Sharing.

2nd Sundays: Meeting for Business

Student Meeting (and PAFM liaison). Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business.

3rd Sundays: Meeting for Worship

Unprogrammed Meeting for Worship. Palo Alto Friends and visiting Friends are also welcome.

4th Sundays: Travel to Palo Alto Friends Meeting

10:30am - 11:30am at Palo Alto Friends Meeting House. Rides provided from campus. No evening Meeting.

5th Sundays (when applicable): Worship Sharing

Quarterly Worship Sharing. Student Meeting.