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Measuring Response and Resolution Times in Remedy

Because HelpSU is used campus-wide by almost 300 support groups, it is important to customers that support groups provide a consistent level of support. It can be confusing and frustrating for customers to have some support groups respond extremely quickly, while other support groups takes days to acknowledge receipt of customer questions or issues and address them.

In an effort to set standard measures to monitor response and resolution times, and to help manage this aspect of customer service, Stanford is using BMC Remedy's Service Level Management module to measure Response and Resolution times.


"Response Time" is the time it takes to acknowledge a customer's issue in a non-automated way. It is measured from the time an Incident record is created, either by the customer via a HelpSU web submission or by the IT Service Desk or other support group manually creating a record, until the time that the customer is advised their problem has been received and is being addressed. The customer should be contacted either by phone or email and the Incident marked "In Progress". Specifically, Response Time is measured from the time from Incident creation until the "In Progress" status update, measured during Stanford business hours (Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.)

"Resolution Time" is the time it takes to resolve a customer's issue or answer their question. It is measured from the time an Incident record is created, either by the customer via a HelpSU web submission or by the IT Service Desk or other support group manually creating a record, until the time that the customer is advised their problem has been resolved. Specifically, Response Time is the time from Incident creation until the "Resolved" status update, measured during Stanford business hours (Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.)

Customer response time targets

The following table shows response time targets coded into the HelpSU application. The Impact and Urgency field settings are used to automatically generate a calculated Priority, and the Priority value is used to generate the Response Time targets.

Impact Urgency Calculated Priority Calculated Weight Business Hours
Response Time Target
1-Extensive/Widespread 1-Critical Critical 29 1 hour
2-Significant/Large 1-Critical Critical 25 1 hour
1-Extensive/Widespread 2-High Critical 24 1 hour
3-Moderate/Limited 1-Critical High 23 2 hours
4-Minor/Localized 1-Critical High 20 2 hours
2-Significant/Large 2-High High 20 2 hours
1-Extensive/Widespread 3-Medium High 19 2 hours
3-Moderate/Limited 2-High High 18 2 hours
4-Minor/Localized 2-High Medium 15 4 hours
2-Significant/Large 3-Medium Medium 15 4 hours
3-Moderate/Limited 3-Medium Medium 13 4 hours
4-Minor/Localized 3-Medium Medium 10 4 hours
1-Extensive/Widespread 4-Low Low 9 6 hours
2-Significant/Large 4-Low Low 5 6 hours
3-Moderate/Limited 4-Low Low 3 6 hours
4-Minor/Localized 4-Low Low 0 6 hours

Customer resolution time targets

The following table shows Resolution Time targets coded into the HelpSU application. The Impact and Urgency field settings are used to automatically generate a calculated Priority, and the Priority value is used to generate the Resolution Time targets.

NOTE: Putting Incident records into status "Pending" suspends the Resolution Time "clock" so that status should be used appropriately.

Impact Urgency Calculated Priority Calculated Weight Business Hours
Resolution Time Target
1-Extensive/Widespread 1-Critical Critical 29 4 hours
2-Significant/Large 1-Critical Critical 25 4 hours
1-Extensive/Widespread 2-High Critical 24 4 hours
3-Moderate/Limited 1-Critical High 23 6 hours
4-Minor/Localized 1-Critical High 20 6 hours
2-Significant/Large 2-High High 20 6 hours
1-Extensive/Widespread 3-Medium High 19 6 hours
3-Moderate/Limited 2-High High 18 6 hours
4-Minor/Localized 2-High Medium 15 8 hours
2-Significant/Large 3-Medium Medium 15 8 hours
3-Moderate/Limited 3-Medium Medium 13 8 hours
4-Minor/Localized 3-Medium Medium 10 8 hours
1-Extensive/Widespread 4-Low Low 9 12 hours
2-Significant/Large 4-Low Low 5 12 hours
3-Moderate/Limited 4-Low Low 3 12 hours
4-Minor/Localized 4-Low Low 0 12 hours
Last modified October 12, 2016