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About Us

Lytics Lab Barnum

The Office of the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning (VPTL) is transforming learning together with faculty and students, and schools and departments.


VPTL’s service mission is to help Stanford invent the future research university through teaching and learning innovation by supporting undergraduate, graduate, professional, and lifelong learning.

Scope and Ambitions

VPTL was created in 2015 with a broad scope shown to the right. Within this broad scope, we have these three guiding ambitions:

  • Increase the public value of the research university – Help Stanford be a generous provider of educational opportunity. Facilitate efforts to share Stanford’s research knowledge and specialized expertise broadly through new models of learning and engagement, expanding and demonstrating the public value of the research university.
  • Improve the principles and practice of teaching and learning– Increase the effectiveness of teaching and co-creation of knowledge, collaborating to help making teaching vibrant and informative for teachers as well as students. Support student learning success.
  • Understand lifelong learners: student perspective, voice, data – In a rapidly changing world, strive to help faculty, departments and schools meaningfully understand our students and the tools they need to have fulfilling lives and be productive citizens.

Our Priorities

  1. Pedagogy & Learning Success – Improve pedagogy and learning success through faculty, instructor and student programs and services
  2. Expanded Credit and Degree Programs – Support faculty teaching impact and learner opportunities through hybrid Stanford course credit and degrees
  3. Global Engagement – Support broader non-degree educational engagement with departments, schools, centers
  4. Learning Spaces & Tools – Build and maintain successful physical and virtual learning spaces and tools
  5. Research Community– Collaborate toward a leading research center to support success in teaching and learning on campus and beyond

Stanford's Long-range Planning (LRP) Process

As part of VPTL’s mission to help Stanford build its future through the collaborative transformation of learning, we developed a set of proposals to the university. These proposals are based on a series of conversations with VPTL’s External Advisory Board (including members of Stanford's Board of Trustees), VPTL’s Internal Faculty Advisory Board (10 faculty, 2 students); and a workshop exercise designed to provide input for VPTL LRP priorities engaging 60+ faculty, lecturers and ASG members.


Read Our LRP Submissions