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Water: Marine Debris

Trash Free Waters

The Flow... of Trash Free Waters    A Quarterly Newsletter

The Flow, April 2015 (4 pp, 340K, About PDF)

The Flow, November 2014 (6 pp, 425K, About PDF)

Litter Ordinance Template and Handbook

new!Louisiana Local Government Litter Ordinance Template and Handbook (130 pp, 15.9MB, About PDF)

A how-to guide for developing and implementing a litter control program in any municipal and parish governments that can help address aquatic trash. 

Trash and litter along our coasts and in our waterways can be harmful to our health, the environment, and the economy.  Most trash that ends up in the water begins its journey on land. 

EPA is working to reduce the amount of trash and litter that enters streams and rivers, lakes and bays, beaches and coastlines, and ultimately the world’s oceans. This Agency work includes outreach and education, research, and new program partnerships.

However, we cannot solve this problem alone.  EPA needs help from citizens, businesses, municipalities, researchers, and many others to keep trash out of our waters.  Everyone needs to pitch in!

This web site is a one-stop-shop for information on how to keep our waters trash free.  Please click on the links below to learn more about what you can do to help solve this problem!


Are you a Marine Debris Hero? Click Below to Play the Game! 

Click here to play the Marine Debris Hero Game!

Looking for Marine Debris Resources? Click below!
Marine Debris Toolkit Link



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