Stanford University Risk Management Department

New on
our site:


* About Risk Management
Information regarding the structure and organization of the Risk Management Department, including contact information

* Workers' Compensation
Resources including benefits, forms and information ie: initial injury/exposure reporting checklist, frequently asked questions, workers compensation administrators, instructions for form completion.
    • Any death or serious injury/exposure resulting in permanent disfigurement, dismemberment, or hospitalization expected to last more than 24 hours call immediately Environmental Health & Safety  (EH&S)  (650) 725-9999 24 hour Hot Line. 

* Documents and Forms
Documents and Forms distributed and maintained by Risk Management

* Resources, External Links
Resources external to the department but of use to Stanford employees for purposes of Risk Management


Office of Risk Management
320 Panama Street
Stanford, CA 94305-6207
Phone 650-723-4554

©Stanford University. All Rights Reserved; Questions/comments/suggestions to Risk Management.
Last modified: Monday, 20-Mar-2017 13:28:06 PDT update
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