Human Material Transfer Agreement Outgoing Form

If your lab is sending out human material for research purposes, please fill out this form.

* indicates required fields.



Will the Material be used to further develop an invention that has been disclosed to the Stanford Office of Technology Licensing?


Have you requested IRB review? *


Will you receive shipping payment or another fee from the Recipient?

Select the funding source(s) for the research with the material. (Check all that apply)

Have any of the involved Stanford researchers received gift funds from the Recipient?

Do any of the involved Stanford researchers have a financial relationship with the Recipient? (Check all that apply)

Have all participating Stanford researchers who are currently identified, including postdocs, students and visiting scholars, signed Stanford’s Patent and Copyright Agreement (SU-18 or SU-18A)? *

After you click “Submit Form” below, you will receive an e-mail confirmation. We will contact the Principal Investigator and individual(s) identified as the Lab Contact/Admin about next steps. For questions, please contact: