Fingate Funds Management > iJournals > About iJournals

About iJournals

What Is iJournals?

iJournals is a web-based interface to the Oracle Financials system that allows users to initiate transfers among PTAs or across Expenditure Types or Object Codes. Journal transfers are used to record transfers of money from one account (PTAEO or PFOO) to another, including intercompany transfers to the hosiptals, for example:

  • "Sale" of office supplies to another department (New Journal)
  • Correction of errors on Expenditure Detail Report (New Journal)
  • Charge for services provided to other departments (Allocation Journal)
  • Funding of a Cost Sharing Award from a gift fund (Fund Transfer)
  • Charge or pay Stanford's hospitals (Intercompany Journal)

Why Use iJournals?

iJournals is used to originate various types of transactions:

iJournals helps ensure proper approval of financial transactions by prompting entry of appropriate approver designations:

Journals totaling $10,000 or more that do not automatically end-route require an approver other than the originator, regardless of the originator's approval authority. The originator must select an approver as follows:

  • Fund Transfers – must be routed to the originator's manager, or to the appropriate Fund Accountant
  • Reclass – must be routed to the originator's manager, or to the appropriate FAIR Accountant
  • Others – must be routed to the originator's manager, or to a peer in another department, or to a Central person

How Do I Start Using iJournals?

Staff has access to Oracle Financials via their SUNet ID and password.

Visit the Access section to learn about training and authority required for new users to gain access to the various iJournals responsibilities in Oracle.


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