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Dedicated to advancing scholarly and public understanding of the past, present, and future of western North America, the Center supports research, teaching, and reporting about western land and life in the United States, Canada, and Mexico.


Center News and Notes

Sep 2 2017 | ... & the West Blog, ... & the Best | Posts Recommended by the ... & the West Blog
Montana’s flash drought; the need to protect groundwater quantity by protecting its quality; getting rid of bark beetles in southern Arizona; the temperatures just gets hotter; and memories of the most beloved Democrat in the Republican world of Idaho.

Aug 31 2017 | Out West student blog
Aug 31 2017 | Out West student blog
Aug 29 2017 | Out West student blog

World War II and the West it Wrought

A two-day scholarly conference at Stanford University explored World War II’s transformative impact on the American West.

The conference was held at Stanford on May 4 and 5, with a keynote address by Timothy Egan on the evening of May 3.

Watch the keynote video » 

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