Approximately one billion people go to bed hungry most nights. Improving food security at the global, regional and local levels requires more than a direct focus on food availability, access and utilization — the three pillars of food security. Food security also is intertwined with key issues, such as governance, national security, gender, education, infectious disease, water and nutrient management, energy trajectories and climate change. The Center on Food Security and the Environment (FSE) encompasses this broader set of issues to design new solutions to global hunger and environmental degradation, prepare future scholars and policy leaders and provide sound policy advice on issues related to agricultural development, food and nutrition security, and climate change.

The FSE core is a collaborative, interdisciplinary team of scholars from departments such as economics, political science, biology, civil and environmental engineering, law, earth sciences, medicine, anthropology, education and history. FSE is engaged in more than 17 different research projects and offers courses for Stanford graduate and undergraduate students interested in issues of hunger, rural development, global resource and environmental degradation, agricultural technology, climate impacts on food security and agricultural trade and policy.

FSE provides direct science and policy outreach through international development and aid institutions, the international agricultural research centers (CGIAR), the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), environmental non-profit organizations, private sector firms and other groups that play significant roles in the agricultural development and environment arenas.

FSE is a joint effort of the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies and the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment.

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