August 2008             


Pacific Ocean Initiative

The Pacific Ocean covers one-third of the planet and hosts complex ecosystems and marine-based economies, yet this vast region is not being managed sustainably. To address this enormous challenge, the Center for Ocean Solutions has launched the Pacific Ocean Initiative.

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Woods Institute/ABC News/Planet Green Public Opinion Survey

Reduce our carbon footprint or find more energy sources? Americans want to do both, according to a national poll conducted by Woods Senior Fellow Jon Krosnick and colleagues at ABC News and Planet Green.

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Humans, Nature, and Birds: Science Art from Cave Walls to Computer Screens

This new book, co-authored by Woods Senior Fellow Donald Kennedy, draws from the 30,000-year sweep of art about nature—using birds as a binding motif—and invites readers to view the images through a science lens

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New Planning Grants to Fund Research on Freshwater Issues

The Woods Institute has awarded five faculty planning grants to develop long-term research programs at Stanford that help solve the world's urgent demands for freshwater.

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Fisheries Leadership & Sustainability Forum

The Fisheries Leadership & Sustainability Forum—a new partnership of the Woods Institute, Center for Ocean Solutions, Environmental Defense Fund, and Duke University’s Nicholas School of the Environment and Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions—provides leadership training and education to members of the eight U.S. Regional Fisheries Management Councils.

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Stanford Biologist Sees Money in Preservation [San Francisco Chronicle]

Woods Institute Senior Fellow Gretchen Daily wants to protect the planet by convincing governments and big investors there's money to be made—or at least saved—in preserving nature instead of exploiting it.

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Farm-Raised Bluefin Tuna Spawn Controversy []

A new technology uses hormones to enable endangered bluefin tuna to breed in captivity. Woods Senior Fellow Barbara Block is quoted.

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Climate Experts Tussle Over Details. Public Gets Whiplash. [New York Times]

When science is testing new ideas, the result is often a two-papers-forward-one-paper-back intellectual tussle among competing research teams. Woods Senior Fellows Stephen Schneider and Donald Kennedy are quoted.

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Sept. 25 Environmental Forum: "Sustainable Urban Growth as Environmental Policy"

Lecture by Margaret O’Mara (University of Washington) and recent Woods Fellow Karen Seto (Yale University), Thursday, Sept. 25, 3:30-5pm, Y2E2 Building, Room 299. Wine and cheese reception to follow.

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