A Level Playing Field

Getting Trade Right

The Aluminum Association is calling for a series of common sense measures on the part of the U.S. and Chinese governments to ensure a level playing field where all global aluminum producers can compete fairly. These actions can drive positive outcomes for both countries and the global aluminum market.

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Safer, Stronger, Greener

Drive Aluminum for a Safer, Stronger, Greener Vehicle

Former NASA astronaut Dan Tani explains how aluminum helps automakers develop the safest, greenest and more sustainable vehicles ever. more +

An Economic Engine

Driving Modern Manufacturing

Since 2013, Aluminum Association member companies have announced or completed U.S. plant expansion investment totaling more than $2.3 billion and creating more than 1,000 permanent American manufacturing jobs.

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Get the Facts About Aluminum

The aluminum industry generates more than $75 billion a year in direct economic impact.

The U.S. aluminum industry generates more than $75 billion a year in direct economic impact. When all suppliers and related business functions are taken into account, the industry drives $186 billion in economic impact—more than 1 percent of GDP.


November 8, 2017
Use the “Aluminum in Green Building Guidelines” to achieve LEED v4 certification  New Report...
