This is the image for the the Buy Accessible Wizard. It is a hyperlink to the wizard as well. Please click on this image to go to the Buy Accessible Wizard

Breaking News: New release of the BuyAccessible Wizard (3.9) is now available. This new release brings:

  • New Quick Links interface – Quick Links provide quick and easy pre-packaged Section 508 documentation for a number of standard EIT deliverables. Each Quick Link includes solicitation language and a Government Product/Service Accessibility Template (GPAT) customized for that product or service. The new interface customizes the output for government buyers, micropurchasers, and sellers/vendors.
  • 12 New Quick Links to bring the total to 29.
Opening Doors to IT Logo. Graphic shows 5 stars with accessible phone, handset, TTY, and wheelchair displayed. Links to website.


Check out Quick Links (New!!!)

Are you trying to…
  • Determine if your purchase is subject to Section 508?

  • Find companies and do market research to buy Electronic and Information Technology (EIT) products or services?

  • Provide documentation for Section 508 compliance?

Use the BuyAccessible Wizard to ensure consistency and proof of due diligence every time.


Check out Quick Links (New!!!)

Are you trying to…

  • Sell Electronic and Information Technology (EIT) products and services to the government?

  • Provide an easy way to showcase accessibility information for government buyers?

Register with the BuyAccessible Product and Services Directory so that buyers can easily find your accessibility information.