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Criminal Press Releases - 2014

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This is a list of press releases announcing results of EPA criminal cases adjudicated in U.S. courts. This is a sortable table and can be viewed by date or alphabetically under all other headings.

More Criminal Press Releases:

2015 | 2014 | 20132012 | 2011

Month/Day Defendant State Violation Related Media Case Status Press Release
12/8 Noble Drilling (U.S.) LLC AK • Operating the drill ship Noble Discoverer and the drilling unit Kulluk in violation of federal law Maritime Guilty Plea DOJ OPA Press Release
12/5 New Nautical Coatings, Inc., d/b/a “Sea Hawk Paints,” Sea Hawk Refinish Line, Inc., d/b/a “Refinish Line Auto Supplies, Erik Norrie, David Norrie, Jason Revie, Tommy Craft FL • Willfully consipiring to obstruct the Environmental Protection Agency Pesticides Guilty Plea

Case Summary

11/20 Paul Ricco MA • Making false statements on inspection reports submitted to federal regulators.  "Ricco submitted 15 false reports of purported inspections that he never performed." Pesticides Guilty Plea

DOJ MA Press Release

11/13 Bonita Witt-Hird PA • Filing fraudulent water quality reports Water Guilty Plea FBI Press Release
10/1 Trans Energy, Inc. WV • Violating the Clean Water Act in connection with its natural gas drilling activity. Water Guilty Plea N.D. WV Press Release
9/29 David Wayne Luther NC • Violating the Clean Water Act and the Rivers and Harbors Act Water Guilty Plea

E.D. CN Press Release

9/26 Nathan R. Garber MT • Conspiracy to violate the Clean Water Act • 5 Counts of violating the Safe Drinking Water Act • 2 Counts of making false statements • Concealment Water Guilty Pleas DOJ ENRD Press Release
9/23 Patrick Brightwell GA • Clean Water Act Violation Water Guilty Plea DOJ DC Press Release
9/18 Calumite Company LLC IN • Clean Air Act false statement violations. Air Guilty Plea DOJ ENRD Press Release
9/17 Zong Geng Chen GA •  Illegally repackaging pesticides Pesticides Sentencing S.D. GA Press Release
9/8 John Francis Mills, Terrance Allen NY • Conspiring to violate the clean air act "...they knowingly failed to report to the National Response Center the release of asbestos in the form of thermal insulation" Air Sentencing DOJ ENRD
Press Release
8/27 Steven A. Murray AL • Conspiracy, unlawful use of pesticides, false statements and mail fraud in connection with the misapplication of pesticides. Pesticides Guilty Plea DOJ ENRD Press Release
8/25 Ronald A.Wright PA • Safe Drinking Water Act Violation - False Statements in matters relevant to permits issued. Water Guilty Plea

Press Release

8/20 Michael G. Johnson TX

• Vlean Air Act violation - False Statements and • Wire Fraud.  "...submitted multiple Certificates of Conformity applications containing fraudulent vehicle test data."

Air Sentencing

Press Release

8/20 Scott William Farmer SC • Knowing Endangerment by release of asbestos Air Sentencing DOJ SC
Press Release
8/18 Roberts Chemical Company, Inc. RI • Violating the Clean Air Act by failing to develop and implement a Risk Management Plan to minimize the chance of release of ethyl ether. Air Guilty Plea

Press Release

8/5 Benedict W. Lupo OH • Violating the Clean Water Act by dumping fracking waste into a tributary of the Mahoning River. Air Sentenced N.D. OH
Press Release
7/16 Benjamin Franklin Pass, P&W Wast Oil Services, Inc. NC • Unlawful handling and dilution of used oil contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Waste Sentenced DOJ ENRD
Press Release
7/8 Thomas H. Faria CT

• Violating the Clean Water Act. "Sheffield discharged industrial wastewater from its New London manufacturing operations to the New London POTW without a permit and in violation of Connecticut’s approved pretreatment program."

CWA Guilty Plea DOJ CT
Press Release
7/8 James Joseph Duran, Tri State Environmental Group and Aftermath Cleanup & Remediation Services, LLC CO • Failing to properly dispose of asbestos containing waste material (ACWM). CAA Sentenced CO AG Press Release
6/5 Patrick Brightwell D.C. • Violating the Clean Water Act by knowingly discharging a pollutant without a permit • presenting false claims to the United States. CWA Guilty Plea

Press Release

5/28 Leo M. Williams NY • Violating the Clean Water Act.  "The defendant in this case conducted a demolition project which released a significant amount of water contaminated with dust and debris directly into the Chadakoin River, endangering public health and the environment,” CWA Guilty Plea W.D. NY
Press Release

Pacific Tank Cleaning, Inc.

Jorge Luquin

CA • Failure to Report a Release.  "...spilling acid near elementary school" • Jorge Luquin entered a guilty plea for unlawful discharge of pollutants CERCLA Sentenced S.D. CA
Press Release
5/28 Marcelina Botello Charles CA • Distributing Illegal Pesticides • conspiring to manufacture, distribute and possess with intent to distribute 9,749 marijuana plants FIFRA Guilty Plea E.D. CA
Press Release
5/28 Owyhee Construction Inc. ID • Asbestos Violation "...a contaminated mixture of crushed pipe and debris laced with harmful asbestos spread over 16 separate sites" CERCLA Sentenced

Dist. of ID
Press Release

5/23 Colfax Treating Company, LLC LA • Negligent discharge of waste materials in violation of daily limit permit Water Guilty Plea W.D. LA
Press Release
5/22 Victor Mercado MI • Conspiracy regarding the case of former Detroit Mayor, Kwame Kilpatrick • unlawfully steering business contracts;    Sentenced E.D. MI
Press Release
5/21 Action Manufacturing Company PA • Illegal storage of explosive hazardous wastes RCRA Guilty Plea E.D. PA
Press Release
5/20 Arab Ship Management Ltd. DE • Violating the Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships APPS Guilty Plea

Dist. of DE
Press Release

5/14 Mark Sawyer TN • Conspiring to violate the Clean Air Act’s “work practice standards” salient to the proper wetting, stripping, bagging and disposal of asbestos Air Guilty Plea

Press Release

5/8 William Manuszewski
Donald Grzebielucha
NY • Negligent Endangerment under the Clean Air Act Air Guilty Plea Case Summary
4/25 Herm. Dauelsberg GmbH & Co. KG CA • Felony count of failing to maintain accurate records relating to the overboard disposal of fuel oil • Felony count of failing to report a hazardous condition aboard the M/V Bellavia to the United States Coast Guard Water Guilty Plea C.D. CA Press Release
4/24 Martha Hebert LA • Falsification of Produced Water Toxicity Testing Water Guilty Plea E.D. LA Press Release
4/17 William R. “Rusty” Miller MS • Unpermitted filling of wetlands Water Sentenced S.D. MS Press Release
4/14 Ray Caldwell WA • Illegally dumped more than two million gallons of waste and pollutants into the sewer system Water Sentenced W.D. WA Press Release
4/04 Brian Scott NY • Accessory after the fact to a false statement under the Clean Air Act • All asbestos floor tiles had not been removed Air Guilty Plea W.D. NY Press Release
4/03 Unilever Home & Personal Care USA CT • Illegal actions by funding important environmental research and development Water Sentenced D. CT Press Release
4/03 Pedro Salmeron
Jassim Juburi
Jose Manuel Cabrera
Jack Haney
Ronald Kinard
Mohammed Hafeez Awan
Michel Jule Fernald
Chucky Cheung
Tanveer Anwar
Erick Chicas
Alexander Edwards
Thanh Long Quoc Nguyen
Jin Sung Chang
Stephen Dickinson
NC • Providing fraudulent passing emissions scores for more than 200 vehicles Air Sentenced W.D. NC Press Release
3/24 Benedict W. Lupo OH • Discharging brine into a tributary of the Mahoning River Water Guilty Plea N.D. OH Press Release
3/20 Robert Lewis GA • Unlawful storage of hazardous waste Waste Sentenced M.D. GA Press Release
3/13 Stanley Xu WA • Exposing residents and workers to airborne asbestos Air Sentenced W.D. WA Press Release
3/12 Robbie Mouton TX • Negligent discharge of pollutants Water Guilty Plea W.D. LA Press Release
3/11 North Pacific Seafoods AK • Illegal dumping of ammonia Water Guilty Plea AK Press Release
2/28 Jonathan Isaac Shokrian TX • Failure to notify under the Clean Air Act • Removal of asbestos-containing materials illegally Air Sentencing N.D. TX Press Release
2/27 Patrick Henry Procino DE • Illegal storage of hazardous waste without a permit Water Guilty Plea D. DE Press Release
2/26 Richard A. Bunnell FL • Illegal construction of structures Water Sentencing  
2/24 Julio Cesar Villanueva Cornejo CA • Illegal possessing a firearm • Distributing illegal rat poison and insecticides in connection with a large marijuana cultivation operation  Waste Sentencing E.D. CA Press Release
2/24 Brian Lee Cobb W VA • Illegal transportation of hazardous waste Waste Sentencing N.D. WVA Press Release
2/12 Alvin C. Sowinski
Paul A. Sowinski
WI • Illegal use of a pesticide, Carbofuran, to kill wildlife Waste Plea W.D. WI Press Release
1/23 Mohammed Hafeez Awan NC • Illegal emissions inspections Air Sentencing W.D. NC Press Release
1/16 Charles L. Stinson
Ralph Dowell
KY • Conspiracy to inject fluids, without a permit, into sinkholes and wells Water Guilty Plea W.D. KY Press Release
1/8 Upstate Laboratories, Inc. NY • Mail fraud related to the falsification of over 3,300 laboratory results from 2008 through 2010 Waste Sentencing Case Summary