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Tribes and Federal Facilities

Tribal governments have distinct roles in cleanups of federal facilities under treaties with the U.S. government. Accordingly, EPA works in partnership with tribal governments, both at the facility level and at the national policy-making level. The framework for EPA tribal involvement is a tribal strategy that is designed to address the needs of—and mitigate impacts to—American Indian tribes, including Alaskan Native villages, living on or near federal facilities. It includes:

  • Working with tribes on a government-to-government basis consistent with EPA's trust responsibility to protect tribal health and environments.
  • Involving tribes in the cleanup process through meaningful dialogue that respects the unique needs of each community.
  • Developing partnerships that will enhance capacity and participation in the environmental decision-making process at federal facilities.

Communication with Tribes
An important focus of the tribal strategy is improved communication with American Indians living on or near federal facilities regarding progress made throughout the environmental-restoration process. To strengthen this communication, EPA is working to involve tribes in the cleanup process through various forums. The Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse Office Tribal Program offers a general brochure about EPA's involvement at federal facilities around Indian Country.