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Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

Region 5 (Great Lakes) Indoor Air Quality Information

 Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin
View Region 5 State Information (Link coming soon)

EPA Region 5

About Region 5

Regional Contacts

Indoor Air: Jeanette Marrero (marrero.jeanette@epa.gov)
Radon: Mike Murphy (murphy.michael@epa.gov)

Featured Links

Asthma in Region 5

Partner Recognition

The National Environmental Leadership Award in Asthma Management is EPA’s highest recognition a program and its leaders can receive for delivering excellent environmental asthma management as part of their comprehensive asthma care services.
Recent Region 5 Winners

Grants Funding

In 2012, a National Request for Applications was announced titled, “Regional Indoor Environments: Reducing Public Exposure to Indoor Pollutants”. The two year projects are expected to conduct demonstration, training, education and/or outreach activities to reduce exposure to indoor air contaminants and yield measurable environmental outcomes, primarily in homes and schools. 
Region 5 recipients are:

  • Minnesota Department of Health – Healthy Homes Education of Minnesota Child Care Providers
  • American Lung Association of the Upper Midwest – Environmental Intervention for Children’s Asthma Project
  • Indiana State Department of Health – Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Training for Primary School IAQ Coordinators