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Region 10 Library Services

The mission of the EPA Region 10 Library is to provide a full range of library information services to regional staff, and to provide Region 10 residents with access to EPA technical literature and environmental information.

Contact Information

The Library is open to the public. We are located in the Park Place Building,  at Sixth and University, in downtown Seattle. Visitors may check in at the EPA Service Center on the 1st Floor.

We can be contacted at:

Phone: (206) 553-1289
Fax: (206) 553-6346
E-mail: library-reg10@epa.gov

Mailing Address:

US EPA Library
1200 Sixth Avenue, Suite 900, OMP-0102
Seattle, WA 98101

Hours of Operation

The library is open Monday through Friday, excluding federal holidays.
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM, and 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Borrowing Policy and Interlibrary Loans

Library materials circulate to EPA Region 10 staff and to other libraries through Interlibrary Loan.  Residents of Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington and Native Tribes are welcome to visit the Library to access the collection.  Region 10 residents may also borrow EPA documents or may receive assistance in locating electronic copies of documents, as available.

To locate EPA library and repository materials, you can search the EPA National Library Catalog, EPA Libraries’ online catalog.  If you have any questions, please call or e-mail the library.

Information For Other Libraries: We freely share materials with other libraries via the OCLC Interlibrary Loan system. Our OCLC symbol is ESA and we are members of FEDL (Federal Libraries and Information Centers) and LVIS (Libraries Very Interested in Sharing). For libraries that do not have OCLC access, ALA (American Library Association) Interlibrary Loan forms are accepted in print or electronic format.  For additional Interlibrary Loan alternative request information, please contact Adam Lathrop at (206) 553-2104 or email: Library-Reg10@epa.gov.

About the Collection

The Region 10 Library collection’s emphasizes environmental information relating to the Pacific Northwest, Alaska and Native Tribes.  Special collections include: Region 10 EPA Reports, including reports pertaining to the Puget Sound; region specific non-EPA environmental reports, including USGS topographic maps; and environmental regulations.

History of the Library

The Region 10 Library was established in 1971 as a regional repository of EPA technical publications, regulations and other environmental information for use by staff, other government agencies, environmental groups, the regulated community and the general public in our Region.