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Find Information about Local Radon Zones and Radon Programs
On this page:
EPA Map of Radon Zones including State Radon Information and Contacts
Find local information related to radon, including your state radon program, with contact information, EPA Regional contacts and a state-specific map.
The purpose of this map is to assist national, state and local organizations to target their resources and to implement radon-resistant building codes. This map is not intended to be used to determine if a home in a given zone should be tested for radon. Homes with elevated levels of radon have been found in all three zones. All homes should be tested regardless of geographic location.
State and Local Radon Programs
- View a Table Version of EPA Radon Zones by County (Excel)(1 pg, 80 K) .
- Some states "regulate" or "qualify" providers of radon measurement and mitigation services by requiring registration, certification or licensing; some issue identification cards. Your state can provide you with more information. To date, the following states have some form of radon requirements for radon service providers: CA, DE, FL, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, ME, NE, NJ, OH, PA, RI, VA and WV.
Resources about State and Local Radon Programs
- Regional Radon Training Centers
- EPA's Indoor Air Quality Tribal Partners Program
- EPA's State Environmental Agencies List
- Directory of Tribal Champions
- January is National Radon Action Month
- Browse current and past National Radon Action Month Events Exit
- Directory of Builders Using Radon-Resistant New Construction
EPA's one-stop service for home buyers who are looking for builders that use radon-resistant construction techniques in new homes. The Directory contains the names of builders using RRNC who have voluntarily registered with EPA. EPA encourages all builders that use the recommended radon-resistant techniques to be listed in the Directory. - Building Codes for Radon-Resistant New Construction
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Indoor Air Quality Information by State