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Contact EPA Pacific Southwest

Pacific Southwest, Region 9

Serving: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Pacific Islands, Tribal Nations

Pacific Southwest, Office of Public Affairs

EPA's experts are available for interviews to discuss important environmental issues in your community. Press Officers in EPA's Pacific Southwest Region facilitate media requests for reporters in Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, and Pacific Southwest tribes and territories. If you're a member of the media interested in scheduling an interview with an EPA expert, email or call one of the staff listed below.

Kelly Zito (zito.kelly@epa.gov)
Public Affairs Director
Office Phone: (415) 947-4306

Bill Keener (keener.bill@epa.gov)
Assistant Public Affairs Director
Office Phone: (415) 972-3940

Pacific Southwest Press Officers

Northern California

Monica Lee (lee.monica@epa.gov)
Office Phone: (213) 972-3165
Cell Phone: (202) 713-6902

Central and Southern California

Nahal Mogharabi (mogharabi.nahal@epa.gov)
Office Phone: (213) 244-1815
Cell Phone: (213) 514-4361

Nevada and Arizona

Soledad Calvino (calvino.maria@epa.gov)
Office Phone: (415) 972-3512
Cell Phone: (415) 697-6289

Hawaii and the Pacific Islands

Dean Higuchi (higuchi.dean@epa.gov)
Office Phone: (808) 541-2711
Cell Phone: (808) 216-9787

Get News by Email or RSS rss

Pacific Southwest Public Affairs Office
(415) 947-8702

Congressional Liaisons

Brent Maier (maier.brent@epa.gov)
(415) 947-4256
Cell (415) 760-9170
Area of coverage: Arizona, California, and Nevada

Dean Higuchi (higuchi.dean@epa.gov)
(808) 541-2711
Cell (808) 216-9787
Area of coverage: Hawaii, Guam, American Samoa, and Northern Marianas Islands


Mailing Address

Office of Public Affairs
U.S. EPA Region 9
75 Hawthorne St.
San Francisco, CA 94105

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