Fall On-Campus Interviews

Fall OCI & Resume Collect Programs

Each August the Office of Career Services conducts our fall on-campus interviewing and resume collect programs. We invite you to participate! You may elect to recruit second-year, third-year, and advanced degree students for summer and post-graduate positions. Employer registration for fall OCI & resume collect usually begins in late-February and ends in July.


Fall OCI—Important Dates

Fall 2017 Dates
Monday, July 3 Symplicity student bidding begins
Monday, July 24 Symplicity student bidding closes
Wednesday, July 26 Last day for employers to cancel their OCI schedule/s with a refund
Friday, July 28 On-Campus Interview schedules and resumes become available in Symplicity
Monday, August 7 On-Campus Interviewing Program begins
Wednesday, August 16 On-Campus Interviewing Program ends

Program Fees

There is a $100 registration fee for participating employers. *

Full Day                                                   Half Day

(9AM-4:30 PM)                                                                           (4:30 PM-7:30 PM)

$750 per schedule                                                                    $375 per schedule

* There is no registration fee or schedule fee for public interest organizations and government agencies.
The schedule fee is waived for firms with less than 50 employees, and for non-law (corporate) employers.
There is no charge to participate in our Resume Collection.

There is a $500 charge for a hospitality table.


Interview Assignment Process

Interviews are allocated to students by computer lottery. Assignments are based on student preferences and availability. The majority of students receive the interviews they request. When an employer’s schedule is oversubscribed, the resumes of students on the overflow list are made available to the employer online along with those students who have been granted interviews. For Resume Collect employers, student bids are placed with no order of preference.

Accessing Your Interview Schedule & Student Resumes

OCI and Resume Collect employers will receive an email once their resume packet and/or schedule is available to view in Symplicity. Note: all communications relating our recruiting programs will be sent to the email address of the contact who originally requested a schedule.

Requests for Writing Samples and Other Materials

For OCI: Resumes will be released to you online. Students have been instructed to bring all additional materials with them to their interviews. This includes transcripts.

For Resume Collection: If employers wish to request additional materials beyond a resume and cover letter, they should do so by directly contacting the student after reviewing his/her resume. This includes transcripts.

OCI Schedule Changes Made By Students

Students are able to add or delete their names from a schedule until 5:00 PM, 2 days before the scheduled interview date. As a result, schedules initially seen online will most likely not be the same as the updated schedule available the day of the interviews. We strongly encourage you to repeatedly view your schedule(s) for changes/updates leading up to your interview date.

Schedule Changes Made By Employers

If you need to deviate from the schedule in any way (either extend your schedule or end the interviewing early) please e-mail Melissa Leger or call our office at (650) 723-3924 as soon as possible.

Contacting Students

Employers may contact students directly through the information included on individual resumes. If you contact a student on your overflow list encouraging him or her to sign up for your OCI schedule, it is the responsibility of that student to sign up for your schedule online during the designated manual sign-up period. Because your schedule is open to all students, we ask that you do not fill empty spots independent of our office.

Funding For Public Interest and Government Positions

Public interest and government employers who expect students to secure all or part of their summer funding from external sources should make this clear to all interviewees.

Interviewers with Special Needs

Please let us know as soon as possible if an interviewer from your organization has special needs (e.g. a wheelchair accessible room or one not requiring stair climbing for access). We will be happy to accommodate any such special needs, but need to know in advance of the interview date since not all interview rooms are appropriate.

Required Materials

For OCI & Resume Collection Participants


As we mentioned in our initial OCI invitation, we recognize that the information that you now provide to NALP regarding your workplace environment and policies is informative and comprehensive, and so we will no longer require an upload of Stanford’s Addendum to the on-line NALP profile. However, we strongly encourage you to upload your own firm narrative which addresses these issues, as they are of extreme importance to students, and doing so will show them the extent of your commitment.

OCI fees are due upon receipt of the invoice.

Submitting Interviewer Names

All OCI employers are required to submit the name/s of their interviewer/s as soon as possible (unless you included it in your initial registration). If you’ve not yet submitted this information, please email Melissa Leger or call our office at (650) 723-3924. We ask that you also indicate whether or not the interviewer is an alumnus/a of Stanford Law School, and if so, in what year that person graduated. You may also visit Symplicity and enter this information manually into your OCI schedule(s).

Mailing Your Materials

We can accept packaged recruiting materials for your interviewer in advance, however, we ask employers to plan for their package/s to arrive no earlier than two business days from their OCI date, if possible. Deliveries are not made directly to our office by courier companies, so to ensure there is no delay in delivery to us, please send your materials well in advance of your interview date.

Display clearly on all boxes:

Attention: Office of Career Services, Stanford Law School
Employer Name
Hold For: (Interviewer/s name)
Date(s) of Interview Schedule

Mail to:

Office of Career Services
Stanford Law School
559 Nathan Abbott Way
Stanford, CA 94305-8610

We are unable to hold, display or ship back materials your interviewers do not use in the course of their interviews. We ask that you please send only enough materials for the students on your schedule, or provide your interviewer with a return label for extra materials.

Receptions & Hospitality Tables

Should you be interested in holding an on-campus reception, or need a hospitality table, please indicate this in your OCI registration form. Laura Laurion will then follow-up with you directly.

Day of Interviews

Interviewer Check-In

Recruiters will receive an e-mail to notify them of where their interviews will take place, along with check-in instructions, directions and parking information. It’s important that all interviewers check in with an OCS staff member so we know they have arrived.


As always, lunch will be provided to every interviewer.

Internet Access

Wifi Internet access is available to all interviewers and no password is necessary. If your browser doesn’t automatically re-direct you to the Stanford Visitor page please open up a new tab and go to www.stanford.edu. You will then be redirected to the Stanford Visitor portal. For more information about wireless connectivity at Stanford visit www.wirelessnet.stanford.edu.


You can make arrangements for outgoing or incoming faxes with Arren Moskowitz in the Copy Center (located on the basement level of the administrative building). The phone number is (650) 723.2514 and the incoming fax number is (650) 723.9902.

Dinner Invitations

In recent years some employers have invited candidates at the conclusion of the on-campus interview to attend a dinner or other event. In some of these instances, it has been unclear to these students the nature of the invitation, as either open to all interviewees, or considered to be private and exclusive. To avoid confusion and prevent students from unintentionally misinforming one another, please be sure to indicate at the time of the invitation extension, the nature of this event and whether or not you wish the student to be discreet.

After Your Interviews

Following Up

Effective follow-up to your Stanford Law School recruiting visit is important. We have found that law students often measure a potential employer’s interest by the quality and timeliness of the follow-up procedures. At the conclusion of each interview, inform the student of the approximate date to expect your response and of subsequent steps to be taken by students who are selected.


Students and employers must limit interviews (including transportation to and from interviews) to the period between the conclusion of OCI and the start of classes. Click here to view the 2017-18 Academic Calendar.

When you invite a student to visit your office, please tell the student whether they should make the travel arrangements or whether your office will make them. Please indicate how expenses will be covered and whether or not you will require them to submit a NALP Travel Reimbursement Form. We encourage students to combine several employer visits to save them time and to allow employers to share costs. To avoid misunderstandings, please send a letter confirming any arrangements made in your telephone conversations with students. Also, if you agree that the student is to make the travel arrangements with reimbursement from you, they can use the original of the confirmation letter to make travel arrangements on credit with a local travel agency. (They are responsible for either obtaining payment from you to pay the travel agency or paying the agency directly and must do so within 30 days.) As you might guess, students appreciate rapid reimbursement, as delay may cause them financial hardship.


We encourage our students to release offers and make decisions in a timely manner. We strongly feel that it greatly benefits both students and employers alike. Our timing guidelines are in accordance with NALP’s guidelines for the timing of offers and decisions.

Hotels, Directions & Parking

Nearby Hotels

Several hotels in the Stanford vicinity offer special rates to university affiliates. This is by no means a complete list of hotels, however.


Directions & Parking

If you plan to drive from either the San Francisco or San Jose Airport, please allow yourself at least one hour driving time. The Law School address is 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, CA. You can also view our campus map to familiarize yourself with the University.

View Campus Map

This year, you will be parking in the Tressider Parking LotYou can find driving directions here.

There are several parking machines in the lot where you can purchase a parking permit. They accept coins, cash, and credit cards. You do NOT need to place it on the dashboard of your vehicle.

Note: Parking restrictions are strictly enforced by the Santa Clara County Police Department. The school is not able to reimburse employers for any costs incurred as a result of parking violations. There is no need to validate past 4:00 p.m.

Pay for Parking Using the Parkmobile App

In the past, many interviewers have experienced frustration at having to wait in line to purchase parking validation from the machine. The good news is you now have the option of using the “Parkmobile” application. Simply download the app on your smartphone (Android, Windows phone, Blackberry, or iPhone), enter the zone code (for PS6 its 7206), your parking space number and the duration. If you’re running late, or would prefer to pay remotely once you’ve checked-in, you now have that option.


Hotel Voucher Program

After more than five years of success, the Stanford Public Interest Law Foundation (SPILF) and the Office of Career Services are proud to continue the Hotel Voucher Program this year.  The program is a fundraising effort that runs in conjunction with the Law School’s On-Campus Interviewing Program (OCI).

If a student agrees to stay with friends or relatives instead of in a firm-sponsored hotel for some or all of the nights of their callback interviews, participating firms will donate $175 to SPILF.  In the event that a student elects to forgo only one or a few nights of hotel accommodations and multiple firms are sponsoring the trip, firms can choose to donate only their portion of the forgone hotel expenses.

Local Bay Area law firms are exempt from the Hotel Voucher Program since Stanford students do not incur hotel costs when interviewing with these firms.  Participating firms will receive a proof of donation form for tax purposes and recognition in SPILF’s annual public interest auction program. At the conclusion of our OCI Program, we will generate a list of all firms who have chosen to participate, and will distribute this list to students participating in OCI.

Each participating student will provide the recruiting coordinators of these firms with a letter indicating his or her decision to forgo one or more nights of hotel accommodations during callback interview(s). Students will also provide SPILF with a voucher form identifying these firms.  On or before December 1st, Career Services and SPILF will send recruiting coordinators a list confirming which Stanford Law students took part in the program. Firms may then submit their donations directly to SPILF. SPILF is a nonprofit organization of Stanford law students and alumni. The funds donated through the program support grants to Stanford law students engaged in public service projects and to non-profit legal services groups around the country.

For more information about the Hotel Voucher Program or SPILF, contact our office at (650) 723.3924.