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Native American Law Students Association (NALSA)

Welcome! The Stanford Native American Law Students Association (NALSA) raises awareness of Indian Law issues, provides mentorship, and builds affinity within the larger Native community. NALSA welcomes all members of the Stanford University community. We aim to foster an environment of openness and thoughtful debate surrounding issues of concern to Indian country, where all opinions and perspectives are treated with respect.

If you are considering Stanford Law School and want to learn more about NALSA, please reach out to any member of our executive board. Stanford Law is special and we would love to share with you why!

We raise awareness by hosting speakers, organizing classes and seminars, and broaching concerns during administrative decision-making.

NALSA relationships last a lifetime. Members participate in an annual retreat, “talking circles,” potlucks, and the annual Stanford Pow Wow and alumni weekend.

Alumni and older students share their insight into study methods, class selection, employment opportunities, and clerkships.

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NALSA Pro Bono Trip

NALSA partnered with OneJustice and Root and Rebound to organize a pro bono service trip to the Yurok Tribe over spring break. SLS students traveled to Klamath and Eureka to provide criminal record expungement services. To the left: NALSA members at the Yurok Justice Center.

SLS at the National NALSA Moot Court Competition

Congratulations to SLS NALSA board members Savannah Fletcher and Jared Crum for making the Sweet 16 at the 25th Annual National NALSA Moot Court Competition at UCLA!

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The Honorable Hilary Tompkins ’96 (center), former Solicitor of the Department of the Interior and member of the Navajo Nation, with SLS NALSA members. Solicitor Tompkins spoke with SLS students about her diverse portfolio of legal issues affecting millions of acres of US land, water, natural resources, and people.

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NALSA at the Monterey Bay Aquarium

NALSA at the Monterey Bay Aquarium during a group retreat this January!


2017-18 Board Members


Savannah Fletcher
Jared Crum

Faculty Advisor:
Gregory Ablavsky 


Vice President for Community Engagement:
Tory Tilton

Vice President for Development:
Summer Azusena Wall

Vice President in Learning:
David Wayne