Stanford Latino Law Students Association (SLLSA)

SLLSA is committed to creating and maintaining a community for Latino students at Stanford Law School and sending highly qualified, dedicated and responsible Latino lawyers into every legal arena.

SLLSA provides personal and academic support for its membership including seminars on briefing cases, studying for exams, writing résumés and interviewing with potential employers. SLLSA also sponsors a variety of social and cultural events, including an annual celebration of the Mexican holiday, Cinco de Mayo, for Law School faculty, staff, students and their families.

For more information, email

2017-18 Board Members

Chairwoman of the Board:
Vanessa Guerrero

Academic Chair:
Summer Azusena Wall

Firm Outreach:
Victoria Munoz

Community Chair:
Cynthia Amezcua

Social Chair:
Monica Molina

Areil Guerrero

Professional Development Chair:
Robert Medina