Working with industry and science to advance innovation and improve quality of life.

Standard Reference Materials

Standard Reference Materials are certified reference materials (CRMs) that can be used to help develop accurate methods of analysis, to calibrate measurement systems used to measure a property at the state-of-the-art limit.

Standard Reference Data

Standard Reference Data cover a broad range scientific disciplines including atomic and molecular physics, chemical and crystal structures, fluids, material properties, biotechnology, optical character recognition and more. Data products include web applications, personal computer products, site licenses, subscriptions and distributor agreements. The SRD data program includes the Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data.



NCNR 50th Anniversary

NCNR 50 Year Symposium

December 07, 2017 to December 08, 2017
Purpose To celebrate the achievements and illustrious lifetime of the NCNR. Description The NIST Bureau of Standards Reactor is celebrating its 50 th...