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Presidential  Transition. PRESIDENTIONAL TRANSITION image Presidential Transition image

Dates & Deadlines

Today marks the end of the annual confidential fin...more
Today marks the end of the annual public financial...more
Today marks the beginning of the annual confidenti...more

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OGE's Latest Advisories

LA-17-11: Recent Court Case Interpreting 18 U.S.C. §§ 203 and 205; Receipt of Attorney’s Fees
This Legal Advisory provides a copy of a court case involving the application of the Federal ethics laws to the acceptance of attorney's fees by an employee who is a client to litigation.

LA-17-10: Clarification of Past Legal Defense Fund Guidance Provided in OGE Informal Advisory Opinion 93x21
This Legal Advisory clarifies that the discussion in OGE Informal Advisory Opinion 93x21 concerning the acceptance of donations from anonymous sources does not, and has not, reflected OGE's views since shortly after the issuance of that opinion.

PA-17-05: Posting of Waivers Issued under Executive Order 13770
This program advisory notifies agencies of the requirement to provide OGE with copies of waivers issued under Executive Order 13770 as they are issued.

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