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San Francisco Health Network
Environmental Health

Transitioning the San Francisco Indicator Project

Since 2007, the San Francisco Department of Public Health has supported health informed decision making with the San Francisco Indicator Project (SFIP) (formerly known as the Sustainable Communities Index (SCI) and the Healthy Development Measurement Tool (HDMT)), an online framework and data repository examining how San Francisco neighborhoods perform across eight dimensions of a vision for a healthy, equitable community. The Indicator Project was initially created through the Eastern Neighborhoods Community Health Impact Assessment (ENCHIA) process, a multi-stakeholder assessment project to ensure that land use planning occurring in the Mission, South of Market, and Potrero Hill/Showplace Square neighborhoods considered, protected, and improved community health. It was subsequently applied to a number of community plans, including Western SOMA, Central SOMA, and HOPE SF (additional link).


Health Departments are now required to produce Community Health Needs Assessments (CHNA) every 3 years and many indicators from the San Francisco Indicator Project have been included in both the 2016 and 2019 CHNA's. We are thus now aligning our resources and focusing on producing prioritized SFIP neighborhood level data as part of SFDPH's triennial CHNA. The SFIP website is retired.


We encourage you to peruse the data on the CHNA and the City's open data portal, DataSF. Feel free to reach out if you are having trouble finding the data you need (megan(dot)wall(at)sfdph(dot)org