
Jerome Yesavage, M.D.

Director Aging Clinical Research Center

Dr. Yesavage direct the Aging Clinical Research Center which is designed to examine changes in mental function across the lifespan. In particular we are concerned with Alzheimer's Disease (senile dementia), Age-Associated Cognitive Decline (normal changes in cognitive function seen in older adults) and cognitive training to reduce the loss, depression in aging, sleep disorders in aging and lifespan changes in complex tasks such as aircraft pilot performance. The Center is funded in part by the NIH, the Veteran's Administration, and the State of California.

We collaborated on the Geriatric Depression Scale and maintain a page on it.

We collaborated on the Receiver Operator Charateristics (ROC) software and maintain a page on it.

We also direct a VA Mental Illness Research Educational and Clinical Center (MIRECC) focusing of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and cognitive problems.

For more information see C.V. or contact Dr. Yesavage at either of the following addresses:

Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Veteran's Administration Medical Center, Palo Alto

Dr. Yesavage is also former Chairman of the Board of Governors of California Trout. His main conservation interests focus on High Sierra fishing from the
Desolation Wilderness and Trout Plants,
Emigrant Wilderness and Streamflow Dams,
John Muir Wilderness/Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park and Frogs (of all things),
Martis Lake and Golf Courses (Yes, trout and Golf) response to planned development near Truckee,
Golden Trout Wilderness and Grazing as well as some items on the Pyramid Lake and the Truckee River.

P.S. Some photos of friends in New Zealand, Italy and France, including some fishing with cane rods and finally a few very old Yosemite climbing photos of El Capitan or Higher Cathedral Spire .