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About EPA

About the Office of Environmental Information (OEI)

What We Do

OEI, headed by the Chief Information Officer, manages the life cycle of information to support EPA's mission of protecting human health and the environment. We identify and implement innovative information technology and information management solutions that strengthen EPA's ability to achieve its goals. We ensure the quality of EPA's information, and the efficiency and reliability of EPA's technology, data collection and exchange efforts, and access services.  We provide technology services and manage EPA’s IT investments.


Ann Dunkin, Chief Information Officer

Vacant, Assistant Administrator

Carol Rushin, Acting Principal Deputy Assistant Administrator, Acting Deputy Chief Information Officer

The Office of OEI includes:

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EPA Quality Management Program

What We Do

OEI develops Agency-wide policies, procedures and tools for quality-related activities relating to the collection and use of environmental information. OEI also oversees the implementation of quality systems by Agency organizations. The goal of this Agency-wide Quality System is to ensure that EPA's programs and decisions are supported by data and information of the type and quality needed for their intended use.

Programs and projects managed by the Quality Management Program

Mail code: 2811A | EPA mailing addresses

Location: EPA Headquarters at Washington, D.C. Federal Triangle campus

EPA Quality Management Program Organization

Monica D. Jones, Director

  • Phone:  (202) 564-6830

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Office of Information Collection (OIC)

What We Do

The Office of Information Collection works in collaboration with EPA partners and customers to develop and implement innovative policies, standards and services that ensure that environmental information is efficiently and accurately collected and managed.

Programs and projects managed by the Office of Information Collection

Mail code: 2821T | EPA mailing addresses

Location: EPA Headquarters at Washington, D.C. Federal Triangle campus

OIC Organization

Matthew Leopard, Acting Director

  • Phone:  (202) 566-1630

Rebecca Moser, Acting Deputy Director

  • Phone:  (202) 566-1706

The Office of Information Collection includes:

  • Collection Strategies Division
    Constance Downs, Acting Division Director
    • Phone:  (202) 566-1640
  • Information Exchange and Services Division
    Connie Dwyer, Director
    • Phone:  (202) 566-1650

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Office of Technology Operations and Planning (OTOP)

What We Do

OTOP provides technology services and manages EPA's information technology (IT) investments and infrastructure. OTOP oversees IT operations and security, including IT investment management, enterprise architecture, application development and hosting, high performance computing, as well as the development of policies and standards to guide IT expenditures and operations.

Programs and projects managed by the Office of Technology Operations and Planning

Mail code: 2831T | EPA mailing addresses

Location: EPA Headquarters at Washington, D.C. Federal Triangle campus

OTOP Organization

Harrell Watkins, Acting Director

  • Phone:  (202) 566-0300

Liza Hearns, Acting Deputy Director

  • Phone:  (202) 566-0300

The Office of Technology Operations and Planning includes:

  • Customer and Business Support Staff
    Tom Reilly, Director
    • Phone:  (919) 541-3305
  • Enterprise Desktop Solutions Division
    Kenneth Tindal, Acting Director
    • Phone:  (202) 566-0190
  • Mission Investment Solutions Division
    Fawn Freeman, Director
    • Phone:  (202) 566-0330
  • National Computer Center
    Tim Thorpe, Acting Director
    • Phone:  (919) 541-4470
  • Technology and Information Security Staff
    Jeffrey Anouilh, Chief
    • Phone:  (202) 566-2455

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Office of Information Analysis and Access (OIAA)

What We Do

OIAA seeks to continuously enhance the public's access to quality environmental data and information. It provides the infrastructure and policies to ensure that EPA has a solid framework for information use and dissemination. OIAA's goal is to provide better analysis and access to environmental information so the American public is empowered to make better decisions about protecting human health and the environment.

Programs and projects managed by the Office of Information Analysis and Access

Mail code: 2841T | EPA mailing addresses

Location: EPA Headquarters at Washington, D.C. Federal Triangle campus

OIAA Organization

Arnold E. Layne, Director

  • Phone:  (202) 566-0600

Jeff Wells, Deputy Director

  • Phone:  (202) 566-0600

The Office of Information Analysis and Access includes:

  • Environmental Analysis Division
    Megan Carroll, Acting Division Director
    • Phone:  (202) 564-2814
  • Toxics Release Inventory Program Division
    Steven Knizner, Director
    • Phone:  (202) 566-0292
  • Information Access Division
    Gilberto Irizarry, Acting Division Director
    • Phone:  (202) 564-7982

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Office of Program Management (OPM)

What We Do

The Office of Program Management (OPM) is responsible for providing OEI central policy, planning, resources management, and administrative services, as well as for serving as OEI’s focal point for outreach and communication within OEI, within EPA, and with external Agency partners, customers, and stakeholders.

Programs and projects managed by the Office of Program Management

Mail code: 2812T | EPA mailing addresses

Location: EPA Headquarters at Washington, D.C. Federal Triangle campus

OPM Organization

Brenda Young, Director
  • Phone: (202) 566-0959
Renee Gutsall, Deputy Director
  • Phone: (202) 566-0987, (202) 566-0959

The Office of Program Management includes:

  • Policy, Outreach and Communications Staff
    Kevin Donovan, Director
    • Phone:  (202) 566-0676
  • Resources and Information Management Staff
    Laura Palmer, Director
    • Phone:  (202) 566-0959
  • Human Resources and Administrative Management Staff
    Robbie Young, Director
    • Phone:  (202) 564-1508

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