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About EPA

A Day In The Life of the EPA Administrator

February 5, 2015: Water and Weather in Atlanta, GA

EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy took a trip to Emory University last week to see the school’s innovative new water treatment plant that helps them reduce water use and save on utility costs. She also met with environmental law students and spoke with the Mississippi Conference of Black Mayors. She then stopped by the Weather Channel to speak about the relationship between our changing weather patterns and global climate change.

10:13 a.m.: Administrator McCarthy takes a tour of Emory University’s new WaterHub water treatment system. This innovative system has helped the university to cut its water bill by as much as 35%, which means big savings on utility costs. (1/7)
10:13 a.m.: Administrator McCarthy takes a tour of Emory University’s new WaterHub water treatment system. This innovative system has helped the university to cut its water bill by as much as 35%, which means big savings on utility costs. (1/7)
10:18 a.m.: Emory University’s WaterHub filters wastewater through plant roots, where microbes help to purify the water and clean out organic material. The Administrator takes a look at some water that has been treated by the system. (2/7)
10:18 a.m.: Emory University’s WaterHub filters wastewater through plant roots, where microbes help to purify the water and clean out organic material. The Administrator takes a look at some water that has been treated by the system. (2/7)
10:50 a.m.: Administrator McCarthy arrives at Emory University School of Law with Chief of Staff and law school alumnus Gwen Keyes Fleming. They pause to read a "distinguished alumni" biography of Fleming, who was previously the Region 4 Administrator. Be
10:50 a.m.: Administrator McCarthy arrives at Emory University School of Law with Chief of Staff and law school alumnus Gwen Keyes Fleming. They pause to read a "distinguished alumni" biography of Fleming, who was previously the Region 4 Administrator. Before that she served as the first African-American and first woman DeKalb County District Attorney and Solicitor General. She was the youngest person ever elected as Solicitor General.  (3/7)
12:05 p.m.: The Administrator meets with a class of law students at the Emory Turner Environmental Law Clinic to talk about successes and challenges at EPA, the importance of climate action and the need to connect the dots between sustainable economic dev
12:05 p.m.: The Administrator meets with a class of law students at the Emory Turner Environmental Law Clinic to talk about successes and challenges at EPA, the importance of climate action and the need to connect the dots between sustainable economic development and a safe environment. (4/7)
1:18 p.m.: Administrator McCarthy joins the Mississippi Conference of Black Mayors to talk about how to bring state and federal agencies together to build stronger partnerships with Mississippi communities. She spoke about how environmental protection is
1:18 p.m.: Administrator McCarthy joins the Mississippi Conference of Black Mayors to talk about how to bring state and federal agencies together to build stronger partnerships with Mississippi communities. She spoke about how environmental protection is central to protecting and growing the middle class. (5/7)
2:49 p.m.: The Weather Channel has a wide array of equipment that they use to monitor and report on the weather. Administrator McCarthy visits their Atlanta headquarters for a behind-the-scenes tour and report update on weather in the Northeast. (6/7)
2:49 p.m.: The Weather Channel has a wide array of equipment that they use to monitor and report on the weather. Administrator McCarthy visits their Atlanta headquarters for a behind-the-scenes tour and report update on weather in the Northeast. (6/7)
2:58 p.m.: The Administrator joins Dr. Marshall Shephard, host of The Weather Channel’s show Weather Geeks, for a conversation about the impacts of climate change and the economic and environmental costs of inaction. The segment will air on February 15 at
2:58 p.m.: The Administrator joins Dr. Marshall Shephard, host of The Weather Channel’s show Weather Geeks, for a conversation about the impacts of climate change and the economic and environmental costs of inaction. The segment will air on February 15 at noon. Stay tuned! (7/7)

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