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Dual Use Research of Concern for Assistance Agreements (DURC)

The United States Government Dual Use Research of Concern Policies Dual Use Reserach of Concern for Assistance Agreements (DURC) (PDF)(4 pp, 112 K, About PDF) and Institutional Oversight of Life Sciences Dual Use Research of Concern (iDurc) (PDF)(19 pp, 602 K, About PDF) emphasize the responsibility of all involved parties of the shared duty to uphold the integrity of science and prevent its misuse.  These policies are limited to a well-defined subset of life sciences research that involves 15 agents and toxins and seven categories of experiments. Below is important information for applicants and recipients of EPA life science research grants and cooperative agreements.

Notice of EPA Implementation of the United States Government Policy on Institutional Oversight of Life Sciences Dual Use Research of Concern for Assistance Agreements

The purpose of this notice is to alert institutions of the iDURC Policy’s issuance and to describe EPA’s intended implementation of the iDURC Policy regarding EPA’s research grants and cooperative agreements.