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Grant Terms and Conditions

On this page:

General Terms and Conditions
Applicable to EPA Assistance Agreements and Monetary Amendments Issued:

EPA General Terms and Conditions effective October 6, 2015 or later

EPA General Terms and Conditions effective December 26, 2014 through October 5, 2015

EPA General Terms and Conditions effective January 13, 2014 through December 25, 2014

EPA General Terms and Conditions effective October 1, 2014 through January 12, 2014 

Cybersecurity Condition
Applicable to EPA Assistance Agreements and Monetary Amendments Issued on or after July 6, 2015:

State Grant Cybersecurity Condition

Tribal Grant Cybersecurity Condition

Cybersecurity Grant condition for Other Recipients, including Intertribal Consortia

Program Specific Terms and Conditions

FY2015 National Clean Diesel (Diesel Emissions Reduction Act) Programmatic Terms and Conditions

FY2015 State Clean Diesel (Diesel Emissions Reduction Act) Programmatic Terms and Conditions

FY2015 Tribal Clean Diesel (Diesel Emissions Reduction Act) Programmatic Terms and Conditions

FY2014 National Clean Diesel Funding Assistance (Diesel Emissions Reduction Act) Programmatic Terms and Conditions

FY2014 State Clean Diesel Program (Diesel Emissions Reduction Act) Programmatic Terms and Conditions

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Public Awareness Terms and Conditions

Signage Required Term and Condition - this t&c is intended for recipients of EPA infrastructure-related programs required to post signs at infrastructure sites supported by EPA Funds.

EPA Logo and Seal Specifications for Signage (PDF) (1 pp, 475K) - this guidance is intended for recipients who are directed to produce signage in accordance with the t&cs associated with their award.

Brownfields Public Awareness terms and conditions effective October 1, 2014

Clean Water Act Section 319 Public Awareness term and condition effective October 1, 2014

Office of Research and Development Research Terms and Conditions

EPA’s interim implementation of the federal-wide standard research terms and conditions is available, Interim Research terms and conditions. These research terms and conditions are interim until the federal-wide research terms and conditions are complete and posted on the Federal-wide standard terms and condition (T&C) page managed by National Science Foundation (NSF).  The National Science Foundation (NSF) page contains older research terms and conditions for awards made prior to 12/26/14. These terms and conditions apply to ORD research grants and cooperative agreements.

Archived Terms and Conditions

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Terms and Conditions

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