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EPA in Kansas

Region 7 - Staff Directory by Topics

Find contacts for specific topics in the table below or call the phone number: 913-551-7003 / Toll-Free: 1-800-223-0425

TOPIC CONTACT NUMBER (4-digit extensions are for 913-551-XXXX)
Above-Ground Storage Tanks Mark Aaron 7205
Whitney Bynum 7735
Agricultural Advisor Damon Frizzell 7650
Agriculture Compliance Assistance Center Ginah Mortensen 5028
Air - Emission Reduction Rebate Program (for diesel construction equipment) Greg Crable 7391
Air - Permits (Title V)    
IA David Peter 7397
IA Jon Knodel 7622
KS Ward Burns 7960
MO Robert Cheever 7980
NE Patricia Scott 7312
Air - Pollution    
IA Heather Hamilton 7039
KS Lachala Kemp 7214
MO Amy Bhesania 7147
NE Greg Crable 7391
Air - Release of CFCs - Complaints CFC Hotline or 1-800-296-1996
[Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs); Freon/Refrigerants; Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning (HVAC) Certification Cards] Margaret Minch 7075
Air - Toxics Stephanie Doolan 7719
Air - Tribes Kim Olson 7458
Alternative Fuels – Air (TSCA Section 21) Ward Burns 7960
Alternative Fuels – Registration Steven Brown 7718
Alternative Fuels – Waste Ed Buckner 7621
Alternative Fuels – Water John Dunn 7594
Alternative Fuels – Manual Patricia Reitz 7674
Anhydrous Ammonia Patricia Reitz 7674
George Hess 7540
Asbestos/NESHAP (1) MDNR: 800-361-4827  
  (2) St. Louis MO County Health Dept:314-615-0600  
  (3) KC MO Health Dept: 816-513-6177  
  IA – IDNR: 515-725-9500  
  KS – KDHE: 785-296-1500  
  NE – NDEQ  
  (1) NDEQ: 402-471-2189  
  (2) Lincoln / Lancaster County: 402-441-8040  
  (3) Omaha:  
Emissions Steven Brown 7718
Catalytic Converters Steven Brown 7718
Importation Certificates Steven Brown 7718
Mileage Standards Steven Brown 7718
Non Road (KS, IA, MO NE) Steven Brown 7718
Oil Leaking Ed Buckner 7621
Bed Bugs (Educational Resources) Mark Lesher 7054
Biodiesel (see “Alternative Fuels”)    
Biosolids (40 CFR Reports) Tony Petruska 7637
Brownfields Stan Walker 7494
  Susan Klein 7786
Brownfields Competition Bob Richards 7502
and Grants    
Carbon Monoxide Kim Olson 7458
Carbon Pollution Standards [Clean Air Act (CAA) Section 111(d)] Ward Burns 7960
Josh Tapp 7606
Michael Jay 7460
Children’s Health LaTonya Sanders 7555
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) [Freon/Refrigerants; Heating Ventilation, Air Conditioning (HVAC) Certification Cards; Complaints: Air - Release of CFCs] CFC Hotline or 1-800-296-1996
Margaret Minch 7075
Chromated Copper Arsenate Treated Wood (CCA) Jim Aycock 7887
Beth Koesterer 7673
Kevin Snowden 7022
Clean Air Act (CAA) Mark Smith 7876
Clean Air Act (CAA) - Ed Buckner 7369
RCRA Liaison
Clean Air Act [CAA Section 112(r)] George Hess 7540
Clean Water Act – Enforcement    
IA Seth Draper 7080
KS Angela Acord 7914
NE Lantz Tipton 7892
MO Don Hamera 7818
Climate Change Amy Bhesania 7147
Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs)/Storm Sewer Overflows Jodi Bruno 7810
Compliance - Air (Odor Complaints)    
IA Lisa Hanlon 7599
KS Hugh McCullough 7191
MO Gary Bertram 7533
NE Joe Terriquez 7105
Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation & Liability Act (CERCLA) - Spill Reporting    
Duty Officer 913-281-0991
Concentrated Animal Feeding    
Operations (CAFO)    
Permits – IA,KS,MO,NE Donna Porter 7929
Complaints, Compliance, Stephan Pollard 7582
Enforcement, Inspection Don Hamera 7818
Congressional Liaison LaTonya Sanders 7555
Continuous Emission Monitoring (CEM) Jon Knodel 7622
Creosote Wood Treatment Jim Aycock 7887
Beth Koesterer 7673
Kevin Snowden 7022
Diesel Emission Reduction Act Craig Crable 7391
Dioxin (Soil) Dave Williams 7625
Steve Kemp 7194
Drinking Water    
Public Water System Supervision (PWSS)    
PWSS Enforcement: Scott Marquess 7131
PWSS - IA Gabrielle Thompson 7569
PWSS - MO Neftali Hernandez-Santiago  
PWSS - NE Ken Deason 7585
PWSS - KS Doug Brune 7178
PWWS-Compliance-Tribal Kimberly Burr 7069
PWSS - Sustainability Robert Dunlevy 7798
Electronic Recycling (e-cycling) Christopher Taylor 7736
Jennifer Dawani 7162
Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA)    
Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA)    
EPCRA Spill Reporting George Hess 7540
Endangered Species Craig Thompson 7266
Melissa Bagley 7522
Larry Shepard 7441
Energy Coordinator Larry Gonzalez 7041
Energy Star Craig Bernstein 7688
Environmental Education (grants, teacher packets, etc.) Kathleen Fenton 7874
Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) Larry Shepard 7441
Amber Tucker 7565
Joe Summerlin 7029
Environmental Justice (EJ)    
Assessments/Screens Brendan Corazzin 7429
  Althea Moses 7649
Grants Brendan Corazzin 7429
Training Althea Moses 7649
  Tamara Freeman 7094
Environmental Management System (EMS)    
Coordinator Christopher Taylor 7736
Alternate Coordinator Neal Gilbert 7985
Fertilizer (Contact State Departments of Agriculture) KS: 785-564-6700  
MO: 573-751-4211
NE: 402-471-2341
IA: 515-281-5321
Filter Backwash (Water) Doug Brune 7178
Formaldehyde (Standards for Composite Wood Products) Don Toensing 7446
Fracking Kurt Hildebrandt 7413
Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) Emily Albano 7860
Freon/Refrigerants (Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs); Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning (HVAC) Certification Cards, Complaints: Air Release of CFCs) CFC Hotline or 1-800-296-1996
Margaret Minch 7075
Fuel (including diesel, low sulphur) Steven Brown 7718
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Casey McLaughlin 7486
Vickie Damm 7247
Holly Mehl 7103
Grants - Clean Air Act IA Healther Hamilton 7039
KS Lachala Kemp 7214
MO Amy Bhesania 7149
NE Greg Crable 7391
Grants - Community Involvement for a Renewed Environment (CARE) Kathleen Fenton 7874
Grants – Exchange Network Tegan Vaughn 7326
Grants - Technical Assistance Grants (TAG) Brendan Corazzin 7429
Grants Manager - Water (IA & NE) Kelly Beard-Tittone 7217
Grants - Water Karla Asberry 7595
NE: 106 & 319
Grants - Water Benita Hamilton 7685
IA: 106
Grants - Water Reggie Kidwell 7332
General 106
KS: 106 & 319
Performance Partnership Grant (PPG)
Grants - Water Jennifer Ousley 7498
Grants - Water Mandy Whitsitt 7311
MO: 106
MO & IA: 319
Grants - Water - State & Tribal Assistance Grants (STAG) - IA & NE Kelly Beard-Titone 7217
Green Power Partnerships (GPPs) Tegan Vaughn 7326
Amy Bhesania 7149
Hazardous Chemicals Storage - Tier 2 Reporting/SARA Title III George Hess 7540
(EPCRA 311/312) Patricia Reitz 7674
  Terri Blunk 7013
  Ndiaye Fatimatou 7383
Hazardous Waste    
Abandoned Sites    
IA/NE Diana Engeman 7746
MO/KS Jeff Field 7548
Hazardous Waste Dumping James Terry 7958
Hazardous Waste - Household James Terry 7958
Ed Buckner 7621
James Aycock 7887
Hazardous Waste Import/Export Coordinator Deborah Bredehoft 7164
Healthy Homes (Secondhand Smoke) Karim Dawani 7289
  Althea Moses 7649
  LaTonya Sanders 7555
Healthy Schools Kathleen Fenton 7874
Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning (HVAC) Certification Cards CFC Hotline or 1-800-296-1996
[Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs); Freon/Refrigerants; Complaints: Air Release of CFCs]    
  Margaret Minch 7075
ICI - Industrial Commercial & Industrial Boilers (Subpart 6J) Lisa Hanlon 7599
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Bob Dye 7605
Gina Grier 7078
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Mark Lesher (schools) 7054
Doug Jones (agriculture) 7592
Lab [see Science and Technology Center (STC)]    
Landfills (Support Subtitle D Regulation Activities, Solid Waste Authorizations, and Regulatory Authority) Nicole Moran 7641
Lead-Based Paint Calls    
Residential Thomas Brick (SEE) 7913
Commercial James Aycock 7887
Lead-Based Paint    
Inspector Rennovation/    
Repair/Painting (RRP),    
Compliance Assistance,    
Rules, License Info Crystal McIntyre 7261
Back Up – Asbestos/Lead Maria Morey 7079
Back Up - Lead Candace Bedner 7562
Case Review Ofcr & Inspector Cassandra Mance 7355
Library Vincent Shawver 7979
Making a Visible Difference in Communities (MVD) Katie Howard 7861
Kansas City, KS / Kansas City, MO Steve Kovac 7698
  Michael Davis 5042
  Brandy Reed 7321
  Whitney Bynum 7735
Muscatine, IA Amy Algoe-Eakin 7942
  Mark Kingston 7047
Omaha, NE & Council Bluffs, IA Toni Gargas 7193
St. Louis, MO Wendy Lubbe 7551
  David Doyle 7667
Wichita, KS Mary Mindrup 7431
  Jonathan Cooper 7287
Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) - Air MO Gary Bertram 7533
KS Hugh McCoullough 7191
NE Joe Terriquez 7105
IA Lisa Halon 7599
Mercury Disposal Duty Officer 913-281- 0991
General/Households Eric Nold 7488
Businesses/Facilities Jim Aycock 7887
Methamphetamine Doug Ferguson 7221
Lab Procedures/Residual of Former Activity/Clean Up Ken Buchholz 7473
Active Labs: Refer To Drug Enfc Agency  
  St.Louis Field Ofc: 314-538-4600
  MO Meth Hotline 1-888-823-6384
Mining/Mine Waste Gene Gunn 7776
Cherokee County, KS Bryant Burnett 620-783-5100
  Todd Campbell 7115
Jasper County, MO Mark Doolan
Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) Chester Stovall 7549
Demetra Salisbury 7675
Mobile Sources/Mobile Emissions (See Automobiles) Steven Brown 7718
Mobile Unit – (Safety Fair Events) Scott Hayes 7670
Mold Bob Dye 7605
Gina Grier 7078
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Larry Shepard 7441
  Amber Tucker 7565
  Joe Summerlin 7029
National Invasive Species Program (Nuisance Species) Amber Tucker 7565
Needs Survey (Clean Water & Drinking Water) Kelly Beard-Tittone 7217
Nonpoint Source Program (Section 319) - Water    
IA Leah Medley 7167
KS Steve Schaff 7447
MO Terri Brink 7337
NE Peter Davis 7372
Office of Inspector General (OIG) Denton Stafford 7015
Fredrick Light 7528
Office of Research and Development (ORD) – Science Liaison Brenda Groskinsky 7188
Office of Research and Development (ORD) – Superfund and Technical Liaison Robert Weber 7918
Oil (leaks from Cars) Ed Buckner 7621
Omaha Lead -   402-731-3045 & 3046
Office: Omaha, NE Contact Mary Castaneda
Superfund Contact Steve Kemp 7194
Operator Certification – Robert Dunlevy 7798
Drinking Water
Painting – Regulations (Air) Joe Terriquez 7105
Auto (Spray) Joe Terriquez 7105
Booth (Enclosed) Hugh McCullough 7191
Pentachlorophenol Wood Treatment Jim Aycock 7887
Beth Koesterer 7673
Kevin Snowden 7022
Permits - National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) - Water    
IA Mark Matthews 7635
KS Donna Porter 7929
NE Kimberly Hill 7841
MO Sunny Wellesley 7136
Permits - Water    
Pretreatment Paul Marshall 7419
Stormwater Mark Matthews 7635
Advisor/Special Topics John Dunn 7592
Pesticides – Applicator Certification/Training Doug Jones 7592
Pesticides – Endangered Species: Requirements/ Restrictions Lacey Ridnour 7986
Pesticides - Enforcement Mark Lesher 7054
or Compliance Assistance    
(Pesticide Case Review Officers) Matthew Willson 7983
  Beth Held 7955
  Brandon Boatman 7993
Pesticides – Education/Outreach Materials Mark Lesher 7054
Pesticides (General Questions/Complaints; i.e., spray drift)    
NE Dick Wiechman 402-437-5080
IA Lacey Ridnour 7986
MO & KS Doug Jones 7592
Pesticides - Imports, Notice of Arrival (NOA) Matthew Willson 7983
Beth Held 7955
Pesticides - Labeling Mark Lesher 7054
  Brandon Boatman 7993
  Beth Held 7955
  Matthew Willson 7983
Pesticides – Pollinator Protection Issues Matthew Willson 7983
Damon Frizzell 7560
Pesticides – Producing Establishment Registration (FIFRA-Section 7) Brandon Boatman 7993
Production Reporting Forms Delbert Kelley 7371
Pesticides – Registration Inquiries EPA HQ Ombudsman Sherada Hobgood 703-308-8893
Pesticides – Tribal Issues Lacey Ridnour 7986
Pesticides – Water Quality Impacts Damon Frizzell 7560
Pesticides – Worker Protection Standards (WPS) Doug Jones 7592
Pesticides (Disposal) Kevin Snowden 7022
Pesticides - FIFRA and Supporting Regulations (Pesticide Case Review Officers) Stacie Tucker 7715
Kevin Snowden 7022
Pharmaceuticals (Expired/Disposal) Stacie Tucker 7715
  Kevin Snowden 7022
Pipe Lines DOT-PHMSA-  
KCMO: 816-329-3800
National Response Center: 1-800-424-8802
Plating/Electroplating Kevin Snowden 7022
Pollinator Protection Workgroup Damon Frizzell 7560
  Royan Teter 7609
  Jamie Green 7139
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) – Mike Dandurand 7504
  Kurt Limesand 7184
Violation/Complaints/ Enforcement Marc Matthews 7517
President’s Environmental Youth Awards (PEYA) Kathleen Fenton 7874
Presidential Innovation Award for Environmental Educators (PIAEE) Kathleen Fenton 7874
Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) – Air Jon Knodel 7622
Public Water System Supervision (PWSS)    
PWSS Enforcement Scott Marquess 7131
PWSS (Technical) Stan Calow 7410
PWSS – IA Gabrielle Thompson 7569
PWSS – MO Neftali Hernandez-Santiago 7036
PWSS – NE Ken Deason 7585
PWSS – KS Doug Brune 7178
PWWS – Compliance-Tribal Kimberly Burr 7069
PWSS – Long-Term 2 Doug Brune 7178
Enhanced Surface Water    
Treatment (LT2)    
Quality Assurance Diane Harris 7258
Jennifer Boggess 7185
Radiation (X-Ray) Bob Dye 7605
Radon Gina Grier 7078
RCRA Corrective Action Don Lininger 7724
RCRA – Hazardous Waste [Oil/Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), Review of Labs-IA, Exemption (Oil & Gas)] James Terry 7958
Jim Aycock 7887
Elizabeth Koesterer 7673
RCRA Hazardous Waste Permits Jim Aycock 7887
RCRA Violations/Enforcement (Docket No.) Elizabeth Koesterer 7673
Records Center Main Number 7166
Recycling - Grants Marcus Rivas 7669
Regional Hearing Clerk Kathy Robinson 7567
Back-up Madlyn Davis 7669
Regional Judicial Officer Karina Borromeo 7675
Remedial Action (SUPR)    
IA/NE Diana Engeman (acting) 7746
MO/KS Jeff Field 7648
Lead/Mining Sites Gene Gunn 7776
Science and Technology Margie St.Germain 5154
Center (STC)
School - Science Lab Clean ups Ed Buckner 7621
Security –    
Drinking Water Ken Deason 7585
Septic Tanks Alex Owutaka 7448
John Dunn 7594
SERCs (see State Emergency Response Commissions)    
Sewer Pipes (broken) Wayne Dillard 7885
Sludge Disposal Tony Petruska 7637
into Waterways & Wells
Small Business Chester Stovall 7549
Smart Growth/Sustainable Development David Doyle 7667
Sole Source Aquifer (SSA) Mary Mindrup 7431
Solid Waste Disposal (Paint, household products, fuel, compost, tires, landfills) Gayle Hubert 7439
Jennifer Dawani 7162
Nicole Moran (landfill regulations) 7641
Source Water Protection Morris Holmes 7421
IA, KS, MO, & NE
Spill Line (24-hour) Duty Officer 913-281-0991
Stage 2 Disinfection By-Product (DBP) Doug Brune 7178
State Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) Jay Hua 7748
State Primacy Reports (Total Coliform Rule) Robert Dunlevy 7798
State Revolving Fund (SRF) – Clean Water Act & Safe Drinking Water Act    
IA/NE Chris Simmons 7237
KS/MO Sabre Germano 7026
Financial Aspects Harry Heflin 7240
  Nancy Healy 7713
Technical Aspects Sam Crowley 7102
  Kelly Beard-Tittone 7217
Stormwater – IA, KS, MO, NE    
Construction & Development Mark Matthews 7635
Enforcement Cynthia Sans 7492
Industrial Mark Matthews 7635
Permits Mark Matthews 7635
Municipal Separate    
Stormwater Sewer System    
(MSSSS / MS4) Mark Matthews 7635
Strong Cities, Strong Communities (SC2) David Doyle 7667
Non-active sites    
IA Todd Davis 7749
KS Paul Roemerman 7694
MO Jamie Bernard- Drakey 7400
NE Brian Mitchell 7633
Technical Assistance for Communities (TASC) Pamela Houston 7699
Tier 1 – Air Emissions Steven Brown 7718
Tier 2 Reporting/SARA Title III George Hess 7540
(EPCRA 311/312 - Hazardous Chemicals Storage) Patricia Reitz 7674
Tires IA – Heather Hamilton 7039
Air Pollution (Burning) KS – Lachala Kemp 7214
  MO – Amy Bhesania 7147
  NE – Greg Crable 7391
Solid Waste Disposal Gayle Hubert 7439
  Jennifer Dawani 7162
Tools for Schools Kathleen Fenton 7874
Gina Grier 7078
Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL)    
National/Regional Coordinator Tabatha Adkins 7128
Reviewers Brandy Reed 7321
  Sondra Tucker 7796
  Steven Wang 7142
  Peter Davis**(detail) 7372
Toxic Chemical Release Inventory (TRI) Form R/A Karen Johnson 5014
Leslie Werner 7858
Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) Reporting – Section 313 Karen Johnson 5014
Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) Donald Toensing 7446
Tribal Program    
Director Patrick Bustos 7969
Tribal Project Officer/Liaison Stanley Holder 7374
Underground Hydraulic Fracturing Kurt Hildebrandt 7413
David Garrett 7159
Underground Injection Control (UIC) Wells - IA, KS, MO, NE Kurt Hildebrandt 7413
David Garrett 7159
Ben Meissner 7992
Underground Storage Tanks (UST) IA - Michael Pomes 7216
KS - Whitney Bynum 7735
MO - Doug Drouare 7299
NE - Wilfredo Rasado-Chapparo 7944
Tribes - Peter Sam 7642
Underground Storage Tanks (UST) - Compliance & Enforcement Wilfredo Rosado-Chapparo 7944
USGBC – Green Building Council Christopher Taylor 7736
Vapor Intrusion Dan Nicoski 7230
Todd Phillips 7438
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Robert Cheever 7980
Wastewater (Car Wash)    
Compliance and Enforcement    
IA Seth Draper 7080
KS Angela Acord 7914
NE Lantz Tipton 7892
MO Don Hamera 7818
Water Monitoring Gary Welker 7177
Laura Webb 7435
Water Quality Certification – Section 401 Permits - Tribes Jennifer Ousley 7498
Water Quality Standards    
Regional Coordinator Ann Lavaty 7370
IA John Reyna 7021
KS AmyShields 7396
MO Robert Angelo 7060
NE Ann Lavaty 7370
Water Monitoring Gary Welker 7177
Laura Webb 7435
Water Treatment John Dunn 7594
Water – Tribal 106 Program Heather Duncan 7640
Waters of the U.S. Steve Kovac 7698
WaterSense Doug Brune 7178
Watersheds Steve Kovac 7698
Wetlands Section 404 – Coordinators    
IA Jeannette Schafer 7297
KS Darin Banks 7224
MO Jason Daniels 7443
  Eliodora Chamberlain 7945
NE Jason Daniels 7443
Mitigation Darin Banks 7224
Enforcement Delia Garcia 7262
Wood Stoves Lisa Hanlon 7599