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Restoring Niagara River AOC (timeline)

Year Critical Actions

Stage 2 RAP Addendum is published; it stresses the importance of protecting existing habitat.

Remedial Action Plan Stage 2 Addendum (PDF) January 2012 Exit


Stage 2 RAP update report is published.


Construction begins on trail improvements along the river and in two state parks. Fishing platforms are built to improve public fishing access.


A progress report and work plan for the Niagara River Toxics Management is completed. It summarizes remedial efforts taken to minimize the harmful effects of the 18 priority toxics, as well as future actions to be taken.


An AOC workshop is held to update and identify  next steps for the RAP and the AOC.


The Niagara River Greenway Commission Exit is established to preserve and enhance the Niagara River Greenway while emphasizing economic development activities.

2002 A status assessment is completed for the AOC, which notes successes in remediation and future projects.

About 21,800 cubic meters of contaminated sediment are dredged from the 102nd Street Embayment.