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FY 2016/17 Fee Schedule for Registration Applications

The following PRIA fee schedule tables were included in the Pesticide Registration Improvement Extension Act (PRIA 3) and apply to pesticide registration applications received by the Agency from October 1, 2015 through September 30, 2017.

Also see Interpretations of PRIA Fee Categories.

Fee Schedule Tables - Effective October 1, 2015

How to Read the PRIA Fee Tables

  1. Each table consists of the following columns:
    • The column entitled "EPA No." assigns an EPA identifier to each fee category.
      • There are 189 categories spread across the 3 Divisions, inerts and miscellaneous actions.
      • There are 63 RD categories, 39 AD categories, 69 BPPD categories, 10 inert categories and 8 miscellaneous categories.
        • For tracking purposes, OPP has assigned a 3-digit identifier to each category, beginning with RD categories, followed by AD, BPPD, inert and miscellaneous categories.
        • The categories are prefaced with a letter designation indicating which Division of OPP is responsible for applications in that category (R= Registration Division, A=Antimicrobials Division, B=Biopesticides and Pollution Prevention Division, I=Inerts and M=Miscellaneous).
      • A detailed explanation of the type of application that falls under a fee category is linked to the fee category number. When accessed, the link will go to the appropriate page of the Fee Determination Decision Tree with the fee category interpretation.
    • The column entitled "CR No." cross-references the current Congressional Record category number for convenience. However, EPA will be using the categories as numbered in the "EPA No." column in its tracking systems.
    • The column entitled "Action" describes the categories of action. In establishing the expanded fee schedule categories, Congress eliminated some of the more confusing terminology of the original categories.
      • For example, instead of the term "fast-track," the schedule in the Congressional Record uses the regulatory phrase "identical or substantially similar in composition and use to a registered product."
      • Further information may be obtained by accessing the link provided with the fee category in the first column.
    • The column entitled "Decision Time" lists the decision times in months for each type of action for Fiscal Years 2016/17.
      • The 2013 decision times apply to 2016/17.
      • The decision review periods in the tables are based upon EPA fiscal years (FY), which run from October 1 through September 30.
    • The column entitled "FY 16/17 Registration Service Fee ($)" lists the registration service fee for the action for fiscal years 2016/17 (October 1, 2015 through September 30, 2017).
  2. The following acronyms are used in some of the tables:
    • DART - Dose Adequacy Response Team
    • DNT - Developmental Neurotoxicity
    • HSRB - Human Studies Review Board
    • GW/SW - Ground Water/Surface Water
    • PHI - Pre-Harvest Interval
    • PPE - Personal Protective Equipment
    • REI - Restricted Entry Interval
    • SAP - FIFRA Scientific Advisory Panel

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Registration Division (RD)

The Registration Division of OPP is responsible for the processing of pesticide applications and associated tolerance petitions for pesticides that are termed "conventional chemicals," excluding pesticides intended for antimicrobial uses. The term "conventional chemical" is a term of art that is intended to distinguish synthetic chemicals from those that are of naturally occurring or non-synthetic origin, synthetic chemicals that are identical to naturally-occurring chemicals and microbial pesticides. Tables 1 through 6 cover RD actions.

Antimicrobials Division (AD)

The Antimicrobials Division of OPP is responsible for the processing of pesticide applications and associated tolerances for conventional chemicals intended for antimicrobial uses, that is, uses that are defined under FIFRA section 2(mm)(1)(A), including products for use against bacteria, protozoa, non-agricultural fungi, and viruses. AD is also responsible for a selected set of conventional chemicals intended for other uses, including most wood preservatives and antifoulants. Tables 7 through 10 cover AD actions.

Biopesticides and Pollution Prevention Division (BPPD)

The Biopesticides and Pollution Prevention Division of OPP is responsible for the processing of pesticide applications for biochemical pesticides, microbial pesticides, and plant-incorporated protectants (PIPs).

The fee tables for BPPD actions are presented by type of pesticide rather than by type of action: Microbial and biochemical pesticides, straight chain lepidopteran pheromones (SCLPs), and PIPs. Within each table, the types of application are the same as those in other divisions. Tables 11 through 17 cover BPPD actions.

Inert Ingredients

Miscellaneous Actions

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