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EPA-Verified and Rated Drift Reduction Technologies

Review of Test Reports and Assigning DRT Ratings to Technologies

We will review drift reduction technology (DRT) test reports submitted to us and verify:

  • whether the test was performed in an appropriate manner, and
  • if the data support a DRT rating.  

The drift reduction suggested by the study results will be used to assign the tested DRT a drift reduction rating. The four DRT ratings represented by one, two, three or four stars are awarded for technologies that demonstrate at least 25% reduction in potential spray drift as compared to the test standard nozzle.  The greater the number of stars, the greater the potential reduction of spray drift:

  • One star -- 25-49 % reduction
  • Two stars -- 50-74 % reduction
  • Three stars -- 75-89 % reduction
  • Four stars -- 90+ % reduction

Verified and Rated DRTs

EPA-verified drift reduction technologies (DRTs) and their ratings will be added to this page as they become available.  Pesticide applicators will be able to search tables for DRT-rated technology for ground boom and aerial applications by manufacturer and system pressure (psi).

Technology manufacturers may use these assigned DRT star ratings in the literature and labeling for their products.