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Schools: Chemical Management Regulation

Take action to improve children's health! EPA's comprehensive schools website offers all the resources you need to establish, maintain, or enhance a school environmental health program.

Report an environmental violation

Report possible violations of environmental laws and regulations.

On this page:

Why It's Important

  • Hazardous wastes need to be managed from their initial creation until their ultimate disposal, known as "cradle to grave."
  • Some chemicals purchased by schools may need to be managed as hazardous wastes and require proper disposal.
  • Following federal, state and local regulations on chemical management can help schools avoid preventable environmental, health and safety issues.

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What You Can Do

  • In addition to following federal regulations, contact your state environmental agency for state or local regulations and guidance.
  • The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) requires all schools that generate hazardous wastes to notify their state environmental agency and obtain an EPA Identification Number for tracking disposal of school wastes.
  • Visit EPA’s RCRA Guidance, Policy and Resources web page for more information.

EPA and Federal Partners

National Organizations

  • Environmental Health Legislation Database Exit by the National Conference of State Legislatures includes summaries of state legislation on topics such as air quality, asbestos, lead, mercury, pesticides, radon, water and more. The database is searchable by keyword, year, state, topic and citation.

Regional, State and Local Resources

  • Use the Where You Live map from the Office of Children's Health Protection to find regional and state contacts for information on regulations in your area.

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