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Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Program

TRI Basic Plus Data Files: Calendar Years 1987 - 2013

EPA has been collecting TRI data since 1987. Files available here are .txt files bundled into a .zip format. Collectively, these files contain all the data submitted on the TRI Reporting Form R or Form A Certification Statement by facilities in a selected state. See the TRI Basic Plus Data File Documentation for detailed descriptions of the data fields contained in these files.

The eight file types in the TRI Basic Plus data files include the following:

  • 1: Facility, Chemical, Releases and Other Waste Management Summary Information
  • 2a: Detailed Source Reduction Activities and Methods
  • 2b: Detailed On-Site Waste Treatment Methods and Efficiency
  • 3a: Details of Transfers Off-site
  • 3b: Details of Transfers to Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW)
  • 4: Details of Facility Information
  • 5: Additional Information on Source Reduction, Recycling and Pollution Control
  • 6: Additional Information on Miscellaneous and Optional

Note: Quantities of dioxin and dioxin-like compounds are reported in grams; all other chemicals are reported in pounds.

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This webpage contains the most recent versions of all TRI data files; facilities may revise previous years' TRI submissions if necessary, and any such changes will be reflected in these files. For this reason, data contained in these files may differ from data used to construct the TRI National Analysis.