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Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Program

TRI Data Uses

Cover of the \"TRI in Action\" report
View the full report, TRI in Action (PDF)

What can you do with TRI?

For more than 20 years, individuals and organizations have been relying on the Toxics Release Inventory as a powerful tool for environmental protection. Have you been wondering what you can do with TRI data?

Our 2013 report, TRI in Action (PDF), includes examples of how people have been putting TRI to work.

We encourage you to view the full report and also tell us about your experiences using TRI in our new discussion forum. You can also see some examples highlighted in the table below.

You can also view the 2003 report, How are the Toxics Release Inventory Data Used? (PDF)

TRI User Type How TRI Can Be Used Examples
Citizen/Community Conduct analyses and risk assessments; identify potential public health concerns
Government Prioritize environmental targets; evaluate effectiveness of environmental policies
Academic Research public exposure to toxic materials; assess environmental justice concerns
Industry Track progress toward corporate sustainability goals; identify opportunities for cost savings
Media Monitor trends in toxic chemical releases in communities nationwide; investigate corporate environmental performance
Advocacy Influence improvements in environmental performance; campaign for more comprehensive environmental policies

Please note that the links in the table go to non-EPA websites. The TRI data uses referenced in the linked materials are provided as examples; EPA is not endorsing the individuals, groups, and organizations who have used TRI data or their products.