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NHDPlus Applications

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We encourage and welcome you to provide information describing your NHDPlus applications so others can learn about them. With this thought in mind, we’ve identified the NHDPlus-related applications listed below.

Use search box below to search the list for specific terms or click on the column headers to sort the list. Bold text in the name column indicates a link to either a fact sheet or a URL.

Name Organization Contact Date Posted
Ecological Reach Identification Table For NHDPlusV2: Version 2.0 National Fish Habitat Partnership (Arlington, VA) Daniel Wieferich (dwieferich@usgs.gov) Dec 29th '14
Ecological Reach Identification Table For NHDPlusV1: Version 2.0 National Fish Habitat Partnership (Arlington, VA) Daniel Wieferich (dwieferich@usgs.gov) Dec 29th '14
Developing a Strategic Lake Monitoring Plan Using NHDPlus ID Dept of Environmental Quality Jim Szpara (Jim.Szpara@deq.idaho.gov) Dec 3rd '14
Modeling Distributions of Aquatic Species and Assessing Watershed Condition The Conservation Fund Freshwater Institute (WV ) Michael Schwartz (m.schwartz@freshwaterinstitute.org) Apr 30th '14
Modeling Regional Soil and Stream Sensitivity to Acidic Deposition in the Appalachian Mountains E&S Environmental Chemistry (Corvallis, OR) Todd McDonnell (todd.mcdonnell@esenvironmental.com) Apr 30th '14
Development of Sample Frame and Basin and Buffer Metrics for the National Lake Assessment Survey US EPA Western Ecology Division (Corvallis, OR) Marc Weber (weber.marc@epa.gov) Apr 30th '14
Spatial Prediction Approach for Prediction of Stream Water Quality, Fish Condition, Benthic Macroinvertebrate Condition, and Physical Habitat US EPA Western Ecology Division (Corvallis, OR) Marc Weber (weber.marc@epa.gov) Apr 30th '14
HSPF and SWAT Watershed Pathogen Modeling and Mountain Top Mining Modeling US EPA ORD, NERL (Athens, GA) Kurt Wolfe (Wolfe.kurt@Epamail.epa.gov) Apr 30th '14
Development of Sample Frame and Basin and Stream Characteristics for National Assessment of Rivers and Streams US EPA Western Ecology Division (Corvallis, OR) Marc Weber (weber.marc@epa.gov) Apr 30th '14
Development of a Geomorphic Classification System for Intermittent and Ephemeral Streams on Department of Defense Lands in the Southwestern United States Colorado State University (Denver, CO) Joel Murray (murrayj@lamar.colostate.edu) Apr 30th '14
Landscape Summary Statistics for Hydrologic Units ESRI (Redlands, WA) Charlie Frye (cfrye@esri.com) Apr 30th '14
ESRI World Hydro Basemap ESRI (Redlands, WA) Caitlin Scopel (CScopel@esri.com) Apr 30th '14
ESRI World Topographic Map Service ESRI (Redlands, WA) Charlie Frye (cfrye@esri.com) Apr 30th '14
Landscape Project-Collection of Image and Feature Services for Landscape Ecology, Planning, and Analysis ESRI (Redlands, WA) Charlie Frye (cfrye@esri.com) Apr 30th '14
Fisheries Information System (FINS) Arizona Game and Fish Department (Phoenix, AZ) Nicole Eiden (NEiden@azgfd.gov) Apr 30th '14
Development of Industry Receiving Water Database (RWDB) for Addressing Potential Regulatory Environmental Concerns National Council for Air & Stream Improvement, Inc. John Beebe (JBeebe@NCASI.org) Apr 30th '14
Generation of Contributing Watersheds for Historical Stream Gauge Sites to Study Effects of Urbanization Over Time US EPA ORD, National Exposure Research Lab (Research Triangle Park, NC) Taylor Jarnagin (Jarnagin.taylor@Epa.gov) Apr 30th '14
AFINCH: Analysis of Flows In Networks of CHannels USGS Michigan Water Science Center (Lansing, MI) David Holtschlag (dholtschlag@usgs.gov) Apr 30th '14
Distributed Hydrologic Modeling The National Weather Service Office of Hydrologic Development (State College, PA) Seann Reed (seann.reed@noaa.gov) Apr 30th '14
Dam Break Modeling The National Weather Service Middle Atlantic River Forecast Center (State College, PA) Seann Reed (seann.reed@noaa.gov) Apr 30th '14
Characterize freshwater mussel communities within Maryland USGS Northern Appalachian Research Lab (Wellsboro, PA) Cara Campbell (ccampbell@usgs.gov) Apr 30th '14
Predict the Potential Distribution of the Endangered Dwarf Wedgemussel USGS Northern Appalachian Research Lab (Wellsboro, PA) Cara Campbell (ccampbell@usgs.gov) Apr 30th '14
Predict the Distribution of Fish Species Within the Delaware River Basin USGS Northern Appalachian Research Lab (Wellsboro, PA) Cara Campbell (ccampbell@usgs.gov) Apr 30th '14
Assess Aquatic Biodiversity Within the Delaware River Basin USGS Northern Appalachian Research Lab (Wellsboro, PA) Cara Campbell (ccampbell@usgs.gov) Apr 30th '14
Calculations of Lake Morphometry for Lakes in the U.S. US EPA AED Laboratory (Narragansett, RI) Michael Charpentier (charpentier.mike@epamail.epa.gov) Apr 30th '14
Development of Stream Sampling Design in Narragansett Bay Watershed US EPA AED Laboratory (Narragansett, RI) Michael Charpentier (charpentier.mike@epamail.epa.gov) Apr 30th '14
Geoarcheological Probability Modeling TxDOT Environmental Affairs Division (Texas) James Abbott (Jim.Abbott@txdot.gov) Apr 30th '14
Prediction of Stream Intermittency with Remote Sensing in NW Montana USGS MT Water Science Center (Helena, MT) Deann Dutton (ddutton@usgs.gov) Apr 30th '14
Assessment of Potential Impacts to Stream Systems from Unpaved Roads in the Central Appalachians The Nature Conservancy (Bethesda, MD) Michelle R. Canick (mcanick@tnc.org) Apr 30th '14
Examining Geophysical Aspects of Watersheds in the Lampasas Cut Plains of Central Texas Texas A&M University (College Station, TX) Steven Potter (steven-r-potter@neo.tamu.edu) Apr 30th '14
WATERS NHDPlus web services for NEPAssist public web-based application US EPA HQ OECA Office of Federal Activities (Washington DC) Jessica Trice (Trice.jessica@Epa.gov) Apr 30th '14
UFINCH: Unit Flows In Networks of CHannels USGS Michigan Water Science Center (Lansing, MI) David Holtschlag (dholtschlag@usgs.gov) Apr 30th '14
NPDES Stormwater Permit Mapping and Stream Water Quality Monitoring and Tracking City of Jeffersonville (IN) Debra Ashack (dashack@cityofjeff.net) Apr 30th '14
Summarization of Multiple Ecosystem Services US EPA HQ (Washington DC) Jason Lynch (Lynch.jason@Epa.gov) Apr 30th '14
Watershed and Estuary Modeling for Florida Numeric Nutrient Criteria Development US EPA HQ (Washington DC) Steve Whitlock (whitlock.steve@epa.gov) Apr 30th '14
Hydrologic Flow Analysis US EPA HQ (Washington DC) Jason Lynch (Lynch.jason@Epa.gov) Apr 30th '14
NAWQA Regional Stream-Quality Assessment Project USGS (Sacramento, CA) Naomi Nakagaki (nakagaki@usgs.gov) Apr 30th '14
Chesapeake Fish Passage Prioritization Exit The Nature Conservancy (Boston, MA) Arlene Olivero (arlene_olivero@TNC.org) Apr 30th '14
Northeast Aquatic Connectivity Project Exit The Nature Conservancy (Boston, MA) Arlene Olivero (arlene_olivero@TNC.org) Apr 30th '14
Review and Assessment of Effects on Aquatic Resources under proposed CWA Section 404 US EPA Region 7 (Kansas City, KS) Vicky Johnson Apr 30th '14
Review and/or Development of Clean Water Act Jurisdictional Determination US EPA Region 7 (Kansas City, KS) Vicky Johnson Apr 30th '14
A National Stream Internet USDA (Boise, ID) David Nagel (dnagel@fs.fed.us) Apr 30th '14
Western U.S. Stream Flow Metric Dataset USDA (Boise, ID) David Nagel (dnagel@fs.fed.us) Apr 30th '14
Estimating Valley Confinement USDA (Boise, ID) David Nagel (dnagel@fs.fed.us) Apr 30th '14
Hydrologic Mapping for the Williston and Powder River Basins Groundwater Availability Study (WaPR) USGS MT Water Science Center (Helena, MT) Deann Dutton (ddutton@usgs.gov) Apr 30th '14
A Method to Generalize Stream Flowlines in Small-scale Maps by Variable Flow Based Pruning Threshold USGS (Denver, CO) Michael Tinker (mdtinker@usgs.gov) Apr 30th '14
Southeast Aquatic Connectivity Assessment Project Exit The Nature Conservancy (Boston, MA) Arlene Olivero (arlene_olivero@TNC.org) Apr 30th '14
NorWeST: A Regional Stream Temperature Database and Modeled Climate Scenarios USDA (Boise, ID) David Nagel (dnagel@fs.fed.us) Apr 30th '14
SPARROW Modeling in Major River Basin Seven USGS Oregon Water Science Center (Portland, OR) Tana Haluska (thaluska@usgs.gov) Apr 30th '14
SARP Flow Alteration Assessment Exit The Nature Conservancy (Boston, MA) Arlene Olivero (arlene_olivero@TNC.org) Apr 30th '14
Montana StreamStats State Application USGS MT Water Science Center (Helena, MT) Deann Dutton (ddutton@usgs.gov) Apr 30th '14
Build Spatial Parameters and Time-Series Data for Rainfall-Runoff Modeling USGS MT Water Science Center (Helena, MT) Deann Dutton (ddutton@usgs.gov) Apr 30th '14
Assessing the Interaction of Groundwater and Surface Water USGS MT Water Science Center (Helena, MT) Deann Dutton (ddutton@usgs.gov) Apr 30th '14
Creating Potentiometric Surfaces USGS MT Water Science Center (Helena, MT) Deann Dutton (ddutton@usgs.gov) Apr 30th '14
Summarizing Landscape Conditions for 12_digit Hydrologic Units in the Lower 48 States US EPA Region 4 (Atlanta, GA) Neil Burns (Burns.neil@Epa.gov) Apr 30th '14
Oregon StreamStats State Application USGS Oregon Water Science Center (Portland, OR) Tana Haluska (thaluska@usgs.gov) Apr 30th '14
Southeast Stream Classification Exit The Nature Conservancy (Boston, MA) Arlene Olivero (arlene_olivero@TNC.org) Apr 30th '14
Conservation Status Report Exit The Nature Conservancy (Boston, MA) Arlene Olivero (arlene_olivero@TNC.org) Apr 30th '14
Active River Area Mapping The Nature Conservancy (Boston, MA) Arlene Olivero (arlene_olivero@TNC.org) Apr 30th '14
Freshwater Resilience in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic The Nature Conservancy (Boston, MA) Arlene Olivero (arlene_olivero@TNC.org) Apr 30th '14
Appalachian LCC Stream Classification Exit The Nature Conservancy (Boston, MA) Arlene Olivero (arlene_olivero@TNC.org) Apr 30th '14
Northeast Aquatic Habitat Classification System Exit The Nature Conservancy (Boston, MA) Arlene Olivero (arlene_olivero@TNC.org) Apr 30th '14
Watershed Protection for Texas Reservoirs Exit Texas Water Development Board (Austin, TX) not available Nov 13th '12
Geospatial Modeling of Critical Loads of Atmospheric Sulphur and Nitrogen Deposition E&S Environmental Chemistry, Inc (Corvallis, OR) Tim Sullivan (tim.sullivan@esenvironmental.com) Sep 11th '12
The Hydrographic Setting for Mercury Sampling USGS (Boulder, CO) Jeff Simley (jdsimley@usgs.gov) Apr 6th '11
Mapping Critical Loads of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition in the Rocky Mountains USGS (Boulder, CO) See Fact Sheet Nov 5th '10
The Impaired Waters with TMDLs National Geospatial Dataset US EPA (Washington, D.C.) See Fact Sheet Oct 31st '10
2002 Impaired Waters Baseline National Geospatial Dataset US EPA (Washington, D.C.) See Fact Sheet Aug 3rd '10
Aquatic Ecological Classification, Ecosystem Diversity and Crucial Watershed Areas in the Montana Columbia River Basin Montana Natural Heritage Program (Helena, MT) Erika Colaiacomo (ecolaiacomo@mt.gov) Jul 21st '10
Examining Watershed Properties of the NRCS Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) in the context of NHDPlus US EPA (Corvalis, OR) Marc Weber (weber.marc@epa.gov) Jun 27th '10
Using NHDPlus as the framework for spatial prediction in the Pacific Northwest US EPA (Corvalis, OR) Marc Weber (weber.marc@epa.gov) Jun 27th '10
Watershed Boundaries for the 2002 Impaired Waters Baseline National Geospatial Dataset US EPA (Washington, D.C.) See Fact Sheet Jun 1st '10
303(d) Listed Impaired Waters: State, Watershed and National Geospatial Datasets US EPA (Washington, D.C.) See Fact Sheet May 1st '10
Introduction to Clean Water Act Section 303(d) Impaired Waters Lists US EPA (Washington, D.C.) See Fact Sheet Apr 1st '10
A Watershed-Based Hydrogeographic Analysis System for Forest Products Industry Stakeholders National Council for Air and Stream Improvement John Beebe (JBeebe@NCASI.org) Mar 26th '10
Hydro-geomorphic Classification of Washington State Rivers University of Washington (Seattle, Washington) Cathy Reidy Liermann (cathyrl@u.washington.edu) Dec 17th '09
Alternative Futures for Headwater & Wetland Landscapes in Upper Delaware Basin, NY US EPA (Washington, D.C.) Jason Berner (berner.jason@epa.gov) Jun 22nd '09
NHDPlus-based Source Water Protection Tools US EPA (Washington, D.C.) Roger Anzzolin (anzzolin.roger@epa.gov) Jun 22nd '09
NHDPlus and Basins 4.0 US EPA (Washington, D.C.) See Fact Sheet Jun 17th '09
Watershed Assessment, Tracking, & Environmental Results US EPA (Washington, DC) See Fact Sheet Jan 1st '09
Reach Address Database US EPA (Washington, DC) See Fact Sheet Jan 1st '09
National Aquatic Resource Surveys US EPA (Washington, DC) Susan Holdsworth (holdsworth.susan@epa.gov) Jan 1st '09
Incident Command Tool for Drinking Water Protection USDA Forest Service (Washington, D.C.) See Fact Sheet Jan 1st '09
NHDPlus Overview US EPA (Washington, D.C.) Tommy Dewald (dewald.tommy@epa.gov) Jan 1st '09
Landscape Metrics Arranged by Hydrologic Proximity US EPA (Duluth, MN) See Fact Sheet Jan 1st '09
Connecticut River Atlas USGS Water Resources Division (Manchester, NH) Craig Johnston (cmjohnst@usgs.gov) Jan 1st '09