Life Groups

Our life groups are small groups of people who gather weekly to encourage one another, pray for one another, and learn about following Jesus together.

Why do we call them life groups? Because they serve two purposes: to process life together and to study the words of life. As Peter said to Jesus in John 6:68, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” (NIV)

If you have any questions, email

This is our Spring 2017 life group listing and is kept for illustrative purposes. We’ll be updating it with a list of Fall 2017 life groups in mid-September.

This page is still being set up for the new school year - life group topics, times and places are coming.

Group Leaders Notes Size
Grad Student Life Group
George Korir
Holly Liske
Thursdays at 7pm at Harstorf House (10 Comstock Circle). Spouses welcome. 4
Coed Life Group
Astul Hernandez
Vicky Gonzalez
Ben Suliteanu
Thursdays at 7:30 in Suites Jenkins 103. This group has an emphasis on service, and every Sunday afternoon we also head up to San Francisco to serve the poor with a ministry called City Impact. 4
Coed Life Group
Christopher Heung
Cindy Lin
Thursdays 6:30 - 8:00. Old Union 218. Studying the Bible in conjunction with the writings of C.S. Lewis. 8
Guy's Life Group
Albert Wandui
Dylan Liu
Fridays at 5:30pm in Old Union Seminar Room (3rd floor). Studying the book of Acts. 4
Gal's Life Group
Shiwen Zhang
Serena Lin
Brittany Foerster
Developing a Personal Walk With God. Fridays at 4:00pm in the Old Union Common Room (3rd floor, end of hallway to the left off the elevator). 10
Coed Life Group
Brian Fleischer
Eyasu Kebede
Sierra Hawthorne
Fridays 6pm, first floor of Old Union. We're studying our identity in Christ. Come explore it with us! 10
Guy's Life Group
Daniel Parra
Neville Muringayi
Manuel Rojo
A few good men. 6:30pm riday evenings in Old Union 120. Topic: "Who Is Jesus?" 5